Author: amds

Welcome and Opening Remarks “Best Brain Consultation: Improving Chronic Disease Management and Prevention with Electronic Health Records”

Welcome and Opening Remarks “Best Brain Consultation: Improving Chronic Disease Management and Prevention with Electronic Health Records”, Hosted by: CIHR Institute of Health Services and Policy Research and the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care e-Health Team. February 4, 2008, Toronto, Ontario.

Exploring Social Insurance: Can a Dose of Europe Cure Canadian Health Care Finance?

Sustainability, quality, and accessibility are vital questions in Canadian health care. All Canadian governments, concerned about the growing share of the public budget absorbed by health care, are questioning the sustainability of the present system. How can we maintain and improve access to health care services of appropriate quality while ensuring sustainability? If there is one consolation to Canadian governments as they wrestle with the future of Medicare, it is...

Canadian Health Law and Policy

This edition draws together the legal and policy issues that are relevant to human health, sheds new light on emerging and continuing trends, and serves as a resource for anyone seeking an understanding of the developing and critical issues in health law and policy.