Full CV


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A. Degrees and Qualifications


S.J.D.               University of Toronto – 1998

Thesis: “Comparing Models of Health Care Reform: Internal Markets and Managed Competition” – Michael J. Trebilcock, Supervisor.

LL.M.            University of Toronto – 1994

Thesis: “An Economic and Legal Analysis of Reforms to New Zealand’s Health Care System” – Michael J. Trebilcock, Supervisor.

B.A.-LL.B       (Honours) – University of Auckland, New Zealand – 1991


Barrister & Solicitor (Auckland, New Zealand)

B. Academic Appointments


2014-               University of Ottawa Research Chair in Health Law and Policy


2014-               Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa


2012-2014       Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto and cross-appointed into the School of Public Policy and the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation


2006-2011       Scientific Director of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research – Institute of Health Services and Policy Research


2003-2015       Canada Research Chair in Health Law and Policy


2003-               Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto and cross-appointed into the Department of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation


1999-2003       Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto


1997-1999       Associate Director, Health Law Institute, Dalhousie University;

Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Law and cross-appointed to the School of Health Services Administration

C. Professional Experience


1990-1993       Solicitor at the firm of Chapman Tripp Sheffield and Young in Auckland, New Zealand

D. Honours and Scholarships


2015-                            Marlee Kline Lecture in Social Justice, University of British Columbia


2013-                            Honorary member of the College of Family Physician of Canada – to be awarded in November, 2013 at Convocation, Vancouver, British Columbia


2012-              CIHR award named in my honor together with another former Scientific Director – the Barer-Flood Prize for Health Services and Policy Research carries with it a $25,000 per annum award.


2012-             Otago University Faculty of Law – The Colleen M. Flood Prize in Health Law & Policy.


2010-               Invited to serve on the editorial board for Israel Journal of Health Policy Research


2009-               Editorial board for Health Economics, Policy & Law – a journal based at the London School of Economics.


2007                Keynote address on “Getting Out of the Ivory Tower and Into Practice” for the Jerry Lee Lecture at the 7th Annual International Campbell Collaboration Colloquium on Quality, Credibility and Utility: The Relevance of Systematic Reviews, London, England,


2007                Awarded the Picard Lecture at the Faculty of Law, University of Alberta. Presentation at “Picard Panel on Health Care Reform” at the National Health Law Conference Visions in Banff, Alberta.


2007                Awarded the Duncan G. Sinclair Lectureship in Health Services and Policy Research by Queen’s University. Presentation on “Courts vs. Medicare”.


2006                Appointed as the new Scientific Director of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Institute for Health Services and Policy Research.


2006 –              Appointed to the Corporation of Massey College


2005                Appointed editor Healthcare Policy in Canada (resigned 2006)


2004-               Senior Fellow of Massey College


1999                Awarded the Labelle Lectureship in Health Services Research at           McMaster University, Canada.


1996                The Rita Catherall Travel Scholarship, Massey College, University of Toronto, Canada


1995                The Honorary William Southam Fellowship, Massey College, University of Toronto, Canada


1994                New Zealand Federation of University Women Fellowship Independent Institution, Hamilton, New Zealand


1994                Connaught Scholarship, University of Toronto, Canada


1994                John M. Olin Law and Economics Foundation Scholarship (renewed 1995 and 1996) University of Toronto, Canada


1993                Spencer Mason Trust Award, renewed in April 1994. Independent trust, Auckland, New Zealand


1989                Senior Prize in Law. University of Auckland, New Zealand


1987                Senior Prize in Geography. University of Auckland, New Zealand


1986                Auckland Geographical Society — Annual Prize. University of Auckland, New Zealand


E. Academic History – Research Grants & Research Endeavours


Current Grants


2013-2016       Awarded a CIHR Operating Grant by the Canadian Institute of Health Research ($325,000).


2009-2014       Awarded a CIHR Training Program in Health Law & Policy Grant by the Canadian Institute of Health Research ($1.95 million).


2008-2014       Awarded the Canada Research Chair in Health Law & Policy by the Canadian Institute of Health Services and Policy Research ($550,000).


Previous Grants



2006-2011       Awarded the Scientific Director Research Program Supplement Grant by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Operating Research Grant for Scientific Directors ($800,000).


2009                Awarded a Law Foundation of Ontario Small Grant by the Law Foundation of Ontario ($25,000).


2006-2010       Awarded an Institute Support Grant by the Canadian Institute of Health Research – Institute of Health Services and Policy Research ($4 million).


2002-2008       Awarded (jointly with Jocelyn Downie & Tim Caulfield) a CIHR Training Program in Health Law & Policy Grant by the Canadian Institute of Health Research ($1.8 million).


2003-2007       Awarded the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation Program Research Grant by the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation ($214,000).


Addition funding was provided by the Ontario Ministry of Health, Health Canada, the Canadian Medical Association, the Ontario Medical Association, the Centre for Innovation, Law and Policy and Merck Frosst (total grant of $516,000.00).


2001-2005       Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Grant by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council ($65,000).


2001                Awarded a Canadian Program on Genomics and Global Health Research Grant by Genome Canada ($1 million).


2001                Awarded a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Grant by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council ($3,737,523).


2001                Awarded a Canadian Institute of Health Research Grant by the Canadian Institute of Health Research ($1,173,476).


2000                Awarded the Connaught Grant by the Connaught Fund ($20,000).


2000                Awarded a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Grant by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council ($10,000).


2000                Awarded the Wright Foundation Grant by the Lola Wright Foundation ($5,000).


2000                Awarded a research grant by the Institute for Research and Public Policy ($1,500).


2000                Awarded a research grant by the Dialogue on Health Reform ($1,500).


2000                Awarded (jointly with Carolyn Tuohy and Mark Stabile) a research grant by the Ontario Medical Association ($10,000).


1999                Awarded the Connaught New Staff Matching Grant by the Connaught Fund ($10,000).


1999                Awarded a research grant by Tecknowledge ($3,000).


1998                Awarded the Maritime Centre of Excellence grant for Women’s Health ($3,800).


1996                Awarded a research grant by the Centre for State and Market, University of Toronto, ($6,000).







PR = Peer Reviewed


  1. Books


Published Books


Colleen M. Flood & Aeyal Gross, The Right to Health at the Public/Private Divide: A Global Comparative Study (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014).


Colleen M. Flood & Lorne Sossin, eds, Administrative Law in Context, 2nd ed (Toronto: Emond Montgomery Publications, 2013).


Collen M. Flood, ed, Data, Data, Everywhere: Access and Accountability? (Montreal: McGill Queen’s University Press, 2011).


Jocelyn Downie, Tim Caulfield & Colleen M. Flood, eds, Canadian Health Law and Policy, 4th ed (Toronto: LexisNexis, 2011).


Colleen M. Flood & Lorne Sossin, eds, Administrative Law in Context (Toronto: Emond Montgomery, 2008).


Colleen M. Flood, Mark Stabile & Carolyn Tuohy, eds, Exploring Social Insurance: Can a Dose of Europe Cure Canadian Health Care Finance? (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2008).


Jocelyn Downie, Tim Caulfield & Colleen M. Flood, eds, Canadian Health Law and Policy, 3rd ed (Toronto: LexisNexis, 2007).


Colleen M. Flood, ed, Just Medicare: What’s In, What’s Out, How We Decide (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2006). PR.


Colleen M. Flood, Lorne Sossin & Kent Roach, eds, Access to Justice, Access to Care: The Legal Debate over Private Health Insurance (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005). PR.


Jocelyn Downie, Tim Caulfield & Colleen M. Flood, eds, Canadian Health Law and Policy, 2nd ed (Markham, Ont.: Butterworths, 2002).


Colleen M. Flood, International Health Care Reform: A Legal, Economic and Political Analysis (London: Routledge, 2000). PR.


Books Forthcoming


Colleen M. Flood & Jennifer Chandler, eds., Mental Health Law in Canada (Lexis-Nexis, 2016).


Jocelyn Downie, Tim Caulfield & Colleen M. Flood, eds, Canadian Health Law & Policy, 5th ed.


Colleen M. Flood, Comparative Health Law and Policy


  1. Journals




Colleen M. Flood & Trudo Lemmens, “Can Law Respond to Global Health Challenges?” (2013) 41:1 Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics


Colleen M. Flood et al, eds, “Law, Economics and Public Policy: Essays in Honour of Michael Trebilcock” (2010) 60:2 University of Toronto Law Journal. PR.


Colleen M. Flood & Lawrence Gostin, “International and Comparative Health Law and Ethics: A 25-Year Retrospective as a Tribute to Professor Bernard Dickens” (2004) 32:4 Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics. PR.


Colleen M. Flood, Lawrence Gostin & Lance Gable, eds, “Legislating and Litigating Health Care Rights Around the World” (2005) 33:4 Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics PR.


  1. Chapters in Books


Forthcoming Chapters


Colleen M. Flood, “One Big Idea: Accountability” in J. Frenk & S. Hoffman eds., “To Save Humanity from Hell”: What Matters Most for a Healthy Future (Oxford University Press, 2015).


Colleen M. Flood, Bryan Thomas and Ryan Tanner, “Moving Forward on Universal Pharmacare in Canada: A Managed Competition Model” in S. Carson and J. Dixon eds., Toward a Canadian Healthcare Strategy (McGill-Queens University Press: 2015) [forthcoming].


Colleen M. Flood & Bryan Thomas, “A View From a Friend and Neighbor of US Health Care & the Affordable Care Act” (2015) Oxford Handbook of American Health Law.


Published Chapters


Colleen M. Flood & Aeyal Gross, “Introduction: Marrying Human Rights and Health Care Systems: Context for a Power to Improve Access and Equity” in Colleen M. Flood & Aeyal Gross, The Right to Health at the Public/Private Divide: A Global Comparative Study (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014).


Colleen M. Flood & Aeyal Gross, “Litigating Health Rights in Canada: A White Knight for Equity?” in Colleen M. Flood & Aeyal Gross, The Right to Health at the Public/Private Divide: A Global Comparative Study (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014).


Colleen M. Flood & Aeyal Gross, “Conclusion: Contexts for the Promise and Peril of the Right to Health” in Colleen M. Flood & Aeyal Gross, The Right to Health at the Public/Private Divide: A Global Comparative Study (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014).


Colleen M. Flood & Ryann Atkins, “Regulatory Failure: The Case of the Private-For-Profit IVF Sector” in Trudo Lemmens, Cheryl Milne & Ian Lee, eds, Legal, Ethical and Policy Challenges of Assisted Human Reproduction (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2015)


Colleen M. Flood & Jennifer Dolling, “An Introduction to Administrative Law: Some History and a Few Signposts for a Twisted Path” in Colleen M. Flood & Lorne Sossin, eds, Administrative Law in Context, 2nd ed (Toronto: Emond Montgomery, 2012).


Colleen M. Flood & Bryan Thomas, “Missing the Mark on Patient Safety” in Ken Oliphant & Richard W. Wright, eds, Medical Malpractice and Compensation in Global Perspective (Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2012).


Colleen M. Flood & Insiya Essajee, “Setting Limits on Health Care: Challenges In and Out of the Courtroom in Canada and Down-Under” in Andre den Exter & Martin Buijsen, eds, Rationing Health Care: Hard Choices and Unavoidable Trade-offs (Antwerpen/Oxford: Maklu Press, 2012).


Tim Caulfield, Colleen M. Flood & Jocelyn Downie, “Introduction: The Big Tent Theory of Health Law” in Jocelyn Downie, Tim Caulfield & Colleen M. Flood, eds, Canadian Health Law and Policy, 4th ed (Toronto: LexisNexis, 2011).


Colleen M. Flood & Bryan Thomas, “Searching for a Sweet Spot: How Do We Trade-Off Research Benefits with Health Information Privacy Concerns?” in Colleen M. Flood, ed, Data, Data, Everywhere: Access and Accountability? (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2011).


Colleen M. Flood & Y.Y. Brandon Chen, “Charter Rights & Health Care Funding: A Typology of Canadian Health Rights Litigation” in Catherine Regis & Robert Kouri, eds, Grand Challenges in Health Law and Policy (Montreal: Éditions Yvon Blais/Thomson Reuters, 2010). PR.


Colleen M. Flood & Sujith Xavier, “Health Care Rights in Canada: The Chaoulli Legacy” in Andre den Exter (ed.), International Health Law: Solidarity and Justice in Health Care (Apeldoorn, the Netherlands: Maklu, 2008)


Colleen M. Flood, “An Introduction to (the Effervescence of) Administrative Law” in Colleen M. Flood & Lorne Sossin, eds, Administrative Law in Context (Toronto: Emond Montgomery, 2008).


Colleen M. Flood, “Introduction: Seeking the Holy Grail: Financing for Quality, Accessibility and Sustainability in Health Care Systems” in Colleen M. Flood, Mark Stabile and Carolyn Tuohy, eds, Exploring Social Insurance: Can a Dose of Europe Cure Canadian Health Care Finance? (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2008).


Colleen M. Flood, “Conclusion” in Colleen M. Flood, Mark Stabile and Carolyn Tuohy, eds, Exploring Social Insurance: Can a Dose of Europe Cure Canadian Health Care Finance? (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2008).


Colleen M. Flood, “Introduction” in Jocelyn Downie, Tim Caulfield & Colleen M. Flood, eds, Canadian Health Law and Policy, 3rd ed (Toronto: LexisNexis, 2007).


Colleen M. Flood & Michelle Zimmerman, “Judicious Choices: Health Care Resource Decisions and the Supreme Court” in Jocelyn Downie and Elaine Gibson, eds, Health Law at the Supreme Court of Canada (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2007). PR.


Colleen M. Flood, Mark Stabile & Carolyn Tuohy, “What is In and Out of Medicare? Who Decides?” in Timothy Jost, ed, Readings in Comparative Health Law & Bioethics, 2nd ed (Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, 2007).


Colleen M. Flood, “Chaoulli’s Legacy for the Future of Canadian Health Care Policy” in Bruce Campbell and Greg Marchildon, eds, Medicare: Facts, Myths, Problems, Promise (Toronto: James Lorimer & Company Ltd., 2007).


Colleen M. Flood, Mark Stabile and Carolyn Tuohy, “What is In and Out of Medicare? Who Decides?” in Colleen M. Flood, ed, Just Medicare: What’s In, What’s Out, How We Decide (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2006). PR.


Colleen M. Flood, “Introduction” in Colleen M. Flood, Lorne Sossin & Kent Roach, Access to Justice, Access to Care: The Legal Debate over Private Health Insurance (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005). PR.


Colleen M. Flood, Mark Stabile & Sasha Kontic, “Finding Health Policy Arbitrary: The Evidence on Waiting, Dying, and Two-Tier Systems” in Colleen M. Flood, Lorne Sossin & Kent Roach, Access to Justice, Access to Care: The Legal Debate over Private Health Insurance (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005). PR.


Colleen M. Flood & Caroline Pitfield, “Section 7 ‘Safety Valves’: Appealing Wait Times Within A One-Tier System” in Colleen M. Flood, Lorne Sossin & Kent Roach, Access to Justice, Access to Care: The Legal Debate over Private Health Insurance (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005). PR.


Colleen M. Flood & Sujit Choudhry, “Strengthening the Foundations: Securing the Modernity of the Canada Health Act” in T. McIntosh, P-G Forest, and G. P. Marchildon (eds), The Governance of Health Care in Canada (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004). PR.


Eric Nauenberg, Colleen M. Flood & Patrick Coyte, “A Complex Taxonomy: Health Care Technology Assessment in Canada” in Timothy Jost (ed.), Health Care Coverage Determinations: An International Comparative Study (New York: Open University Press, 2005). PR.


Colleen M. Flood, “Galvanizing Publicly Funded Health Care Systems Through Accountability” in Peggy Leatt & Joseph Mapa, Government Relations in the Health Care Industry (Westport, CT: Praeger, 2003)


Colleen M. Flood, “The Anatomy of Medicare” in Jocelyn Downie, Tim Caulfield, & C. Flood, eds, Canadian Health Law and Policy, 2nd ed (Markham, ON: Butterworths, 2002). PR.


Colleen M. Flood, “Unpacking the shift to home care” in Tim Caulfield & Barbara von Tigerstrom, eds, Health Care Reform & the Law in Canada (Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2002).


Micheal Trebilcock & Colleen M. Flood, “Exit and Voice in New Zealand’s Health Care Sector” in Contracting in the Health Sector (Auckland: Legal Research Foundation, 1994).



  1. Articles


Articles in Development


Colleen M. Flood et al, “Literature Review: Physician Contracts and Dual Practice”.


Colleen M. Flood & Geoff Read, “Back to Basics: Exploring the Fundamental Arguments for Government Involvement in Health Care”.


Colleen M. Flood & Arthur Wilson, “Insight on Insite: Impact on Health Rights Litigation in Canada”.


Colleen M. Flood et al, “Law and Health Technology Assessment: Canadian and International Perspectives”.


Published Articles


Colleen M. Flood et al, “Restricting Private-Sector Practice Using Contracts” (2015) 187 CMAJ [forthcoming].


Colleen M. Flood, “Scoping the Iceberg: The Future of Public Involvement in Health Policy” (2015) Health Economics, Policy and Law [forthcoming].


Colleen M. Flood & Aeyal Gross, “Litigating the Right to Health: What Can We Learn from a Comparative Law and Health Care Systems Approach?” (2014) 16 Health and Human Rights Journal 54.


Colleen M. Flood & Bryan Thomas, “Putting Health to Rights: A Canadian View on Global Trends in Litigation Health Care Rights” (2014) 1 Canadian Journal of Comparative and Contemporary Law.


Colleen M. Flood & Trudo Lemmens, “Global Health Challenges & the Role of Law” (2013) 41(1) Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics.


Colleen M. Flood & Patrick Dyke, “The Data Divide: Managing the Misalignment in Canada’s Evidentiary Requirements for Drug Regulation and Funding” (2012) 45:2 UBC Law Review.

Colleen M. Flood & Kathryn May, “A Patient Charter of Rights: How to Avoid a Toothless Tiger and Achieve System Improvement” (2012) 14 Canadian Medical Association Journal.


Colleen M. Flood, “Canada’s Unique Approach to Public/Private Divide and the Perils of Reform via a Court Challenge” (2012) 8: 2 Public Policy Review.

Y.Y. Brandon Chen & Colleen M. Flood, “Medical Tourism’s Impact on Health Care Equity and Access in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Making the Case for Regulation” (2013) 41(1) Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics.


Colleen M. Flood & Bryan Thomas, “Canadian Medical Malpractice Law in 2011: Missing the Mark on Patient Safety” (2011) 86:3 Chicago-Kent Law Review. PR. 40


Colleen M. Flood, Bryan Thomas & Leigh Harrison-Wilson, “Cosmetic Surgery Regulation and Regulation Enforcement in Ontario” (2010) 36 Queen’s Law Journal. PR.


Colleen M. Flood & Y.Y. Brandon Chen, “Charter Rights & Health Care Funding: A Typology of Canadian Health Rights Litigation” (2010) 19 Annals of Health Law. PR.


Colleen M. Flood, “The evidentiary burden for overturning government’s choice of regulatory instrument: The case of direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs” (2010) 60:2 University of Toronto Law Journal. PR.


Colleen M. Flood & Bryan Thomas, “Blurring of the Public/Private Divide: The Canadian Chapter” (2010) 17 European Journal of Health Law. PR.


Colleen M. Flood & Amanda Haugan, “Is Canada Odd?: A Comparison of European and Canadian Approaches to Choice and Regulation of the Public/Private Divide in Health Care” (2010) 5 Health Economics, Policy and Law. PR.


Colleen M. Flood, “Is the Canadian System Right for the United States?” (2009) 34:4 Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law. PR.


Colleen M. Flood & Lorian Hardcastle, “Tough Choices: The Private Sale of Drugs in Public Hospitals” (2010) 182:4 Canadian Medical Association Journal. PR


Colleen M. Flood & Sujith Xavier, “Health Care Rights in Canada: The Chaoulli Legacy” (2008) 27 International Journal of Law and Medicine. PR.


Colleen M. Flood, “Chaoulli: Political Undertows and Judicial Riptides” (2008) Health Law Journal (Special Edition). PR.


Nuala P. Kenny, Meghan McMahon & Colleen M. Flood, “Canadian Media and Health Policy Research: The Limits of Stories” (2007) 7:8 The American Journal of Bioethics. PR.


Colleen M. Flood & Lorian Hardcastle, “The Private Sale of Cancer Drugs in Ontario’s Public Hospitals: Tough Issues at the Public/Private Interface in Health Care” (2007) 1:1 McGill Health Law Publication. PR.

Lorne Sossin & Colleen M. Flood, “The Contextual Turn: Iacobucci’s Legacy and the Standard of Review in Administrative Law” (2007) 57:2 University of Toronto Law Journal. PR.


Colleen M. Flood, “Chaoulli’s Legacy for the Future of Canadian Health Care Policy” (2006) 44:2 Osgoode Hall Law Journal. PR.


Colleen M. Flood, “Just Medicare: The Role of Canadian Courts in Determining Health Care Rights and Access” (2005) 33:4 Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics. PR.


Colleen M. Flood, Lance Gable & Lawrence O. Gostin, “Introduction: Legislating and Litigating Health Care Rights Around the World” (2005) 33:4 Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics.


Colleen M. Flood & Steven Lewis, “Courting Trouble: The Supreme Court’s Embrace of Private Health Insurance” (2005) 2:1 Healthcare Policy.


Colleen M. Flood & Terry Sullivan, “Supreme disagreement: the highest court affirms an empty right” (2005) 173:2 Canadian Medical Association Journal. PR.


Colleen M. Flood & Joanna Erdman, “The Boundaries of Medicare: Tensions in the Dual Role of Ontario’s Physician Services Review Committee” (2004) 12 Alberta Health Law Journal. PR.


Motiwala et al, “The First Ministers’ Accord on Health Renewal and the Future of Home Care in Canada” (2005) 2:4 Longwoods Review. PR.


Colleen M. Flood, Duncan Sinclair & Joanna Erdman, “Steering and Rowing in Health Care: The Devolution Option?” (2004) 30 Queen’s Law Journal PR.


Colleen M. Flood, “Devolution – A Solution for Ontario: Could the Lone Wolf Lead the Pack?” (2004) 5:1 HealthcarePapers.


Colleen M. Flood & Tracey Epps, “Waiting for Health Care: What Role for a Patients’ Bill of Rights” (2004) 49:3 McGill Law Journal.


Colleen M. Flood & Anthea Williams, “A Tale of Toronto: National and International Lessons in Public Health Governance from the SARS Crises” (2004) 12 Michigan State Journal of International Law. PR.


Carolyn Tuohy, Colleen M. Flood & Mark Stabile, “How Does Private Finance Affect Public Health Care Systems: Marshalling the Evidence from OECD Nations” (2004) 29:3 Journal of Health Politics Policy and Law. PR.


Colleen M. Flood & Tracey Epps, “A Patients’ Bill of Rights: A Cure for Canadians’ Concerns About Medicare?” (2002) Vol.12 Institute for Research in Public Policy, Policy Matters.


Colleen M. Flood & Tracey Epps, “The Implications of the NAFTA for Medicare: Have We Traded Away the Opportunity for Innovative Health Care Reform?” (2002) 47 McGill Law Journal.


Colleen M. Flood, Mark Stabile and Carolyn Tuohy, “The Borders of Solidarity: How Countries Determine the Public/Private Mix in Health Care” (2002) 12:2 Health Matrix.


Colleen M. Flood & Tom Archibald, “The Illegality of Private Health Care in Canada” (2001) 164:6 Canadian Medical Association Journal. PR


Colleen M. Flood, “Conundrums in Causation and Informed Consent” (2000) 23 Advocates Quarterly. PR.


Colleen M. Flood, “New Zealand’s No-Fault Accident Compensation Scheme: Paradise or Panacea?” (1999/2000) 8 Health Law Review.


Colleen M. Flood, “Contracting Out for Health Services in the Public Sector” (1999) 31 Canadian Business Law Journal. PR.


Colleen M. Flood, “Accountability of Health Service Purchasers” (1998) 20:2 Dalhousie Law Journal. PR.


Colleen M. Flood, “Regulation of Telecommunications in New Zealand — Faith in Competition Law and the Kiwi Share” (1995) 3:2 Competition & Consumer Law Journal. PR.



  1. Major Reports


Colleen M. Flood & Bryan Thomas, “Long Term Care Financing in the Netherlands and Japan” (2013) Health Canada, Strategic Policy Branch.


Colleen M. Flood, Mark Stabile & Carolyn Tuohy, “Defining the Medicare Basket” (2007) Canadian Health Services Research Foundation.


Colleen M. Flood, Stefan Greß & Sasha Kontic, “Is Canada Odd? An examination of the Public/Private Divide in Six Countries” (2007) Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care.


Tom Archibald & Colleen M. Flood, “Hamstrung and Hogtied: Cascading Constraints on Citizen Governors in Medicare” (2005) Canadian Policy Research Networks.


Sujit Choudhry & Colleen M. Flood, “Strengthening the Foundations: Securing the Modernity of the Canada Health Act” (2002) Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (the Romanow Commission).


Colleen M. Flood & Tracey Epps, “The Ramifications of the NAFTA and GATS for Canada’s Health Care System”; (2002) Health Canada.


Colleen M. Flood, Mark Stabile & Carolyn Tuohy, “Lessons From Away: What Canada Can Learn From Other Health Care Systems” (2001) Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science And Technology.


Gibson et al, “Access to HIV Drugs: A Policy Analysis” (2001) Provincial Ministers of Health.


Michael Decter et al, “IRPP Task Force on Health Policy, Recommendations to First Ministers” (2000) International Institute for Restorative Practices.


  1. Comments, Notes and Op-Eds


Colleen M. Flood & Kathleen O’Grady, “Four points about the pending challenge against medicare” (2015) Globe & Mail. [Link to full text]


Colleen M. Flood, “Le gouvernement Harper s’apprête à dépouiller de ses pouvoirs l’administrateur en chef de la santé publique” (2014) Huffington Post. [Link to full text]


Colleen M. Flood, “Luring medical tourists for cash is a trip down the slippery slope” (2014) Globe & Mail. [Link to full text]


Colleen M. Flood & Bryan Thomas, “Courts as Gatekeepers of Equitable Access” (2013) World Association of Medical Law Newsletter. [Link to full text]


Colleen M. Flood & Catherine Deans, “Rasouli and the Elephant in the Room” (2013) Impact Ethics. [Link to full text]


Colleen M. Flood & Y.Y. Brandon Chen, “The Importance of Equity: A Response to Glenn Cohen” (2012) Opinio Juris. [Link to full text]


  • Colleen M. Flood, “How Do We Compare? Lifting Our Game on Healthcare Performance” (2011) Longwoods.com. [Link to full text]
  • Colleen M. Flood, “It Pays to Drive a Hard Bargain” (2011) The Mark. [Link to full text]
  • Colleen M. Flood, “Three steps to improve health care system” (2011) Times Colonist. [Link to full text]
  • Colleen M. Flood, “Wrestling with Big Pharma” (2011) The Toronto Star [Link to full text]
  • Colleen M. Flood, “Time for Canada to Improve Our Health Care Performance” (2011) Huffpost Canada. [Link to full text]
  • Colleen M. Flood, “Get Up Off Our Laurels and Improve Healthcare Performance” (2011) Evidence Network.


Colleen M. Flood, “Heaven or Hell? The Canada Health Act” (2010) PolicyMatters.ca. [Link to full text]


Colleen M. Flood, “Alternative Medicine: It’s the impact that counts” (2010) CIHR website Research Profile. [Link to full text]


Colleen M. Flood, “Commissions in Health Care: Running Vigorously on the Spot?” (2008) Nexus. [Link to full text PDF]


Colleen M. Flood, “Chaoulli cited to argue for public funding for operation” (2007) Lawyer’s Weekly.


Mark Stabile, Colleen M. Flood & Katie Kontic, “One Tier Medicine Goes on Trial” (2006) Rotman Magazine. [Link to full text]


Colleen M. Flood, “Kiwi model best in world” (2006) Toronto Star.


Colleen M. Flood & Lorain Hardcastle, “Kiwi No-Fault for Medical Error? Should We Try It?” (2006) Toronto Star. [Link to full text]


Colleen M Flood, “New Scientific Director at CIHR – Expert on Canadian Healthcare System” (2006) CIHR Health Research News.


Colleen M. Flood, “The Rise of private care in Canada” (2006) Maclean’s.


Colleen M. Flood & Michelle Zimmerman, “Direct-to-consumer advertising: CanWest’s Charter Challenge” (2006) CIHR – IHSPR Research Spotlight. [Link to full text]


Colleen M. Flood and Greg Hinds, “You can appeal long wait times” (2005) Toronto Star. [Link to full text]


Colleen M. Flood, “Will private health insurance deliver?” (2005) Toronto Star.

Colleen M. Flood, “Longer waits in private system: Dosanjh” (2005) Vancouver Sun.


Colleen M. Flood, “Private health care isn’t a Canadian reality: Insurance may not be banned, but rules work against it in practice” (2005) Montreal Gazette.


Colleen M. Flood, “Health-care reform: The debate continues” (2004) National Post.


Colleen M. Flood, “Two-tier medicine isn’t the answer” (2004) National Post.


Collen M. Flood, “Lessons From SARS: Now is the time for public health reform” (2003) National Post.


Colleen Flood et al, “Time to listen once again” (2003) Toronto Star. [Link to full text]


Colleen M. Flood, “The Mazankowski Report: Can We Fix Medicare With More Private Financing?” (2002) 2:4 HealthcarePapers. [Link to full text]


Carolyn Tuohy, Colleen M. Flood & Mark Stabile, “How Does Private Finance Affect Public Health Care Systems? Marshalling the Evidence from OECD Nations” (2000) Ontario Medical Review.


Timothy Caulfield, Colleen M. Flood & Barbara von Tigerstrom, “Comment: Bill 11, Health Care Protection Act” (2000) 9: 1 Health Law Review. [Link to full text PDF]


Colleen M. Flood, “Accountability, Flexibility and Integration: How to Fix Medicare” (2000) 21:4 Policy Options. [Link to full text PDF]


Colleen M. Flood, “Preface” (1998) 20: 2 Dalhousie Law Journal.


Colleen M. Flood, “Will Supplementary Private Insurance Reduce Waiting Lists?” (1996) 11 Canadian Health Facilities Law Guide. [Link to abstract]


Colleen M. Flood, “Competing Crown Health Enterprises: Efficiency Or Waste?” (1995) 118 Planning Law Quarterly: Journal of the New Zealand Planning Institute.


Colleen M. Flood, “Keep the Change: New Zealand’s Health Care System” in Douglas J. McCready and William R. Swan, eds, Change and Resistance: Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Health Economics (Waterloo: Wilfred Laurier University, 1995).


  1. Book Reviews


“Judges” (1989) 6:2 Auckland University Law Review 300-303.


  1. References in Major Reports


References to work in The Health of Canadians – The Federal Role, Final Report, Volume Six: Recommendations for Reform (2002) Standing Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology (the “Kirby Report”) at pages 14, 19, 100-102, 297, 300, A-31, A-38, A-44 [Link to full text].


References to work in Building on Values: The Future of Health Care in Canada (2002) Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (the “Romanow Report”) at pages 59-65, 235-237, 272-273 [Link to full text PDF].


  1. Background and Working Papers


CHSRF-OMHLTC, Colleen M. Flood, Carolyn Tuohy & Mark Stabile, What’s In and Out of Medicare? Who Decides?, Defining the Medicare Basket, Working Paper No. 5 (2004).


CHSRF-OMHLTC, Mona Awad, Julia Ableson & Colleen M. Flood, The Boundaries of Canadian Medicare: The Role of Medical Directors and Public Participation in Decision Making, Defining the Medicare Basket, Working Paper No. 4 (2004).


CHSRF-OMHLTC, Tom Archibald & Colleen M. Flood, The Physician Services Committee: The Relationship between the Ontario Medical Association and the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, Defining the Medicare Basket, Working Paper No. 2 (2004).


CHSRF-OMHLTC, Colleen M. Flood & Joanna Erdman, The Boundaries of Medicare: The Role of Ontario’s Physician Services Review Committee, Defining the Medicare Basket, Working Paper No. 1 (2004).


CHSRF-OMHLTC, Jennifer Martin & Colleen M. Flood, Criteria For Listing on Provincial Drug Formularies, Defining the Medicare Basket, Background Paper No. 3 (2004).


CHSRF-OMHLTC, Natalie de Paulsen, Lisa Minuk & Colleen M. Flood, Financial Incentives and Clinical Practice Guidelines, Defining the Medicare Basket, Background Paper No. 2 (2004).


CHSRF-OMHLTC, Jennifer Martin & Colleen M. Flood, The Legal Framework for Health Governance in Ontario, Defining the Medicare Basket, Background Paper No. 1 (2003).


J. Presentations at Meetings and Symposia


Invited Presentations


“Putting Health to Rights: A Global Comparative Study” – invited as a speaker in the Michael M. Davis Lecture Series at the School of Social Service Administration at the University of Chicago, 15 April 2014


“Defining Pan-Canadian Vision, Strategy and Priorities for Health Services and Policy Research” – participated in a CIHR Priorities Forum, 1 April 2014, Toronto


“Putting Health to Rights: A Global Comparative Study” – invited speaker at a Dalhousie Health Law Institute Workshop Series, 21 March 2014


“Putting Health to Rights: A Global Comparative Study” – invited speaker at a University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law Seminar, 7 February 2014


“Health Human Rights Around the World” – presentation at the Harvard Human Rights Journal Colloquium, 11 April 2013, Harvard Law School


“Courts (and Government?) vs. Medicare” – presentation at the Senior Fellow’s Luncheon, 20 November 2013, Massey College


“Courts vs, Medicare” – presentation at the 9th Annual Canadian Undergraduate Conference on Healthcare, 15-17 November 2013, Queen’s University

“Health Insurance Models” – presentation to a meeting in Health Canada to discuss the prospects for social health insurance as a means to finance home care and long-term care, Thursday, 5 September 2013


“Health Human Rights – A Comparison of the Public/Private Divide” – Harvard Human Rights Program, April 11 2013, Cambridge.


“Change in Health Care” – Presentation at the 2012 Queen’s International Institute on Social Policy – Where Are We Going? The Changing Social Model in Canada, August 20-22 2012, Kingston, Ontario


“Will the Constitution Privatize Medicare?” – Presentation at the School of Public Policy, Regina, Saskatchewan, 7 March 2013 (and broadcast to three other sites in Saskatchewan and Alberta)


“Canada’s Unique Approach to PHI and the Perils of Reform via a Court Challenge”, presented on my behalf by Hiroyuki Kawaguchi at “The Role and Function of Private Health Insurances” Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo Japan. February 27, 2012.


Speaker at “Reference re. Assisted Human Reproduction Act – Implications of the Supreme Court’s Decision” at University of Toronto Law School. November 4-5, 2011


Speaker on “Courts as a Cost-Driver” at the CIHR Best Brains Exchange for Deputy Ministers in the Atlantic Provinces on the topic, “Health System Renewal in Atlantic Canada”. November 2, 2011, Fall River, Nova Scotia.


Presented “Is Canada Odd?  European and Canadian Approaches to Choice and Regulation of the Public/Private Divide” at University of Toronto Law, Health Law, Ethics & Policy Seminar Series. October 27, 2011.


Presented “Is Canada Odd?  European and Canadian Approaches to Choice and Regulation of the Public/Private Divide” at Victoria University, Wellington NZ. September 1, 2011.


Speaker at the “Health Care Rationing Conference” at Erasmus Observatory on Health Law (Erasmus University, Rotterdam) an international conference discussing health care rationing from a wide range of perspectives. December 9-10, 2010, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.


Presented “Canadian Medical Malpractice Law in 2011: Missing the Mark on Patient Safety Medical Malpractice Law in Canada” in Vienna at a conference entitled “Medical Malpractice Liability and Compensation from a Global Perspective”. December 2, 2010, Vienna, Austria.


Presented opening remarks at the symposium on “Drug Promotion, Quality and Patient Safety”. The aim of the symposium was to provide researchers and policy-makers an opportunity to explore drug promotion regulation in terms of quality of information and impacts on patient safety. It also included discussion of the results of a comparative study examining the quality of information provided to primary care physicians by pharmaceutical sales representatives in the United States, France and Canada. November 29, 2010, Toronto, Ontario


Presented opening remarks at a Café Scientifique “Will You Be There When I’m Old?: How Canada’s Aging Population will Impact the Health Care System.” November 25, 2010, Toronto, Ontario


Presenter at the NHMRC Scientific Symposium and Workshop “Evidence into primary care – research translation and improved outcomes for patients”. This workshop consisted of short presentations from leading researchers followed by a workshop with invited government and non-government leaders in policy and practice. The goal of this workshop was to help NHMRC develop ideas as to how we can embed research and evidence into the provision of healthcare. November 10, 2010, Canberra, Australia


Invited to Washington and Lee University to present a paper entitled “Charter Rights & Health Care Funding: A Typology of Canadian Health Rights Litigation”. October 4, 2010, Lexington, Virginia.


Keynote speaker at Knowledge Utilization Colloquium on Public Policymaking Environments. June 10, 2010, Halifax, Nova Scotia.


Speaker at an invitation-only workshop on prescription drug financing and sustainability. The objective of this workshop was to stimulate candid and informed discussions about prescription drug financing options that may be viable alternatives to the status quo in Canada. May 10, 2010, Toronto, Ontario.


Speaker at Health Services Research Workshop on Building Capacity within the Maternal, Child, & Youth Sector. Presented on “Health Services Capacity Needs in Canada”. The workshop was hosted by the CIHR Institute of Health Services and Policy Research in partnership with the Canadian Child and Youth Health Coalition. February 18, 2010, Toronto, Ontario.


Presentation on “Is Canada Odd?” for The Petrie-Flom Centre for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology & Bioethics Workshop at Harvard Law School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 1 February, 2010.


Plenary presentation at the 6th Conference of the Health Services Research Association of Australia and New Zealand. This is a forum for researchers who wanted to meet as health services researchers and to promote the dialogue between research and policy with the goal of improving the quality of research, and increasing its policy relevance and impact. Plenary session presenter on “Research for a self-improving health system”. November 25-27, 2009, Brisbane, Australia.


Plenary (invited) presentation on “Challenging Health Care Rationing” to Health Professions and Health Services Appeal and Review Boards. September 21, 2009, Toronto, Ontario.


Presentation on “Priority Setting and Rationing of Drugs and Health Technologies: Challenges in and out of the Courtroom in Canada and Down-under” at the Fourth meeting of “’UK Forum on Priority Setting in Health Care’ Courts V Decision Makers”. September 15, 2009, University of Manchester.


Participated in joint CIHR-Mental Health Commission of Canada, Café Scientifique Q & A on Mental Health with Senator Michael Kirby. September 3, 2009, Toronto, Ontario.


Presentation on “Valuing Applied and Multidisciplinary Research Building on our Strengths” at Public Policy Forum – Science Day, a special one-day symposium convened by the Public Policy Forum which brings together a cross-section of leaders from the research and policy-making communities in governments, industry, universities and colleges. May 27, 2009, Ottawa, Ontario.


Presentation at University of Ottawa with Masters in Health Administration students – “Courts vs. Medicare: how do we improve Accountability?” February 19, 2008, Ottawa, Ontario.


Invited speaker to conference on health services research, hosted by the Health Council of the Netherlands /Advisory Council on Health Research. The topic of the conference was the communication between researchers and users of knowledge such as policy makers and health care professionals. January 22-23, 2008, the Netherlands.


Presentation on “Courts vs. Medicare” for the Dr. Duncan G. Sinclair Lectureship in Health Services and Policy Research at Queen’s University, November 26, 2007, Kingston, Ontario.


Plenary presentation at The World Affairs Forum at the Stamford, CT Campus of the University of Connecticut “Universal Health Care—What Other Countries Do”. November 14, 2007, Stamford, Connecticut, USA.


Plenary presenter at the “Picard Panel on Health Care Reform” at the National Health Law Conference Visions. November 8-9, 2007, Banff, Alberta.


Plenary presenter on “Building on the Evidence – Putting Healthcare Innovations to Work (Lessons learned from Europe)”, sponsored by Hospital Employees’ Union. November 6, 2007, Vancouver, British Columbia.


Presentation on “Wait Times and Patient Efficiency in Canada” at the Canada-Netherlands Health Seminar. The meeting was comprised of high level ministry representatives from both countries gathered to discuss best practices in health care reform including patient safety, performance measures, ICT, waiting times, and change management. September 5-7, 2007, The Hague, the Netherlands.


Presentation given at the “Making Research Work for Canada’s Healthcare Leaders” session of the CAHSPR Conference 2007 – Leading, Linking and Listening: Knowledge Exchange at the Frontiers of Health Services and Policy Research. June 12, 2007, Toronto, Ontario.


Keynote address on “Getting Out of the Ivory Tower and Into Practice” for the Jerry Lee Lecture at the 7th Annual International Campbell Collaboration Colloquium on Quality, Credibility and Utility: The Relevance of Systematic Reviews. May 14-15, 2007, London, England.


Opening remarks at the 5th Annual Global Health Research Conference on The Convergence of Health and Law – International Perspectives. May 8, 2007, Toronto, Ontario.


Spoke on “Equity and the Supreme Court post-Chaoulli” in Session #3: “Financing to Achieve Greater Equity” of the S.O.S. Medicare 2: Looking Forward Conference at the Queensbury Convention Centre. May 3-4, 2007, Regina, Saskatchewan.


Plenary Address at the S.O.S. Medicare 2: Looking Forward Conference and the Keynote Address “Courts vs. Medicare” with Greg Marchildon at Session #1 of the Conference, at the Queensbury Convention Centre. May 3-4, 2007, Regina, Saskatchewan.


Presentation on “Public/Private Partnerships: The Alberta Court Challenge” at the Harkness Canadian Policy Briefing Tour. May 2, 2007, Regina, Saskatchewan.


Participant in a roundtable discussion on developing a research agenda pertaining to health integration and quality improvement in home care at The Change Foundation Symposium: Showcasing Successes in Health-care Change, Framing Future Challenges. May 25, 2007, Toronto, Ontario.


Keynote speaker at The Public-Private Debate: Best Practices and Future Directions, Executive Forum Conference. April 18, 2007, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario.


Presentation on “Courting Trouble: The Supreme Court’s Embrace of Private Health Insurance”, for Faculty of Law seminar, University of Windsor. February 19, 2007, Windsor, Ontario.


Presentation for the Health Policy Initiative, University of Western Ontario, “Courting Trouble: The Supreme Court’s Embrace of Private Health Insurance”. February 2, 2007, London, Ontario.


Presentation on “The Chaoulli decision and the privatization of health care in Canada: Will more private health insurance result in a better health care system?” to VIC One students, University of Toronto (coordinated by Andrew Baines) January 31, 2007, Toronto, Ontario.


Presentation with Mark Stabile on Public/Private Financing (six-country study) with Janet Minor, Michele Sanborn, Lauren Montrose, Carol Appathuri and Aviva Rubin, Ontario Ministry of Health. December 18, 2006, Toronto, Ontario.


Keynote speaker “Seeking the Grail: Financing for Quality, Accessibility and Sustainability in the Health Care System”, for the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority Annual General Meeting. October 17, 2006, Winnipeg, Manitoba.


Presentation on “The Foundation of Medicare” to the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute Board of Directors. October 12, 2006, Toronto, Ontario.


Keynote speaker on “The Future of Health Care and the Role of Health Services Research” for the Integrated Centre for Care Advancement through Research (iCARE) opening Symposium. October 4, 2006, Edmonton, Alberta.


Presentation on “Health Services Research and the Future of Medicare” as part of the Health Law Institute Seminar Series. October 2, 2006, Edmonton, Alberta.


Presentation Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation board members. September 28, 2006, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.


Opening Plenary Presentation, “Moving Out of the Ivory Tower” part of the “Blazing the Trail to a Stronger Health Services and Policy Community”, Annual Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research (CAHSPR) Conference (with Philip Davies and Jonathan Lomas). September 18, 2006.


Presentation about issues of public/private funding and the Chaoulli case to Canadian Opthalmological Society (COS) Annual Meeting and Exhibition. June 22, 2006, Toronto, Ontario.


Presentation on Chaoulli decision to management network at Mount Sinai, June 21, 2006, Toronto, Ontario.


Presentation at “30th Annual Health Law Teachers Conference”, University of Maryland School of Law on “Courting Trouble: the Supreme Court of Canada’s Embrace of Private Health Insurance”. June 2, 2006, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.


Presentation on “Courting Trouble: The Supreme Court’s Embrace of Private Health Insurance”, Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University. May 16, 2006, St John’s, Newfoundland.


Presentation on “How the Supreme Court of Canada Got it Wrong in Chaoulli”, at Future of Medicare Forum – Alliance of Seniors Health Care Forum, Toronto City Hall Council Chambers. May 8, 2006, Toronto, Ontario.


Presentation on Canada’s Health Care Decision, Faculty of Law, University of South Carolina. April 5, 2006, Columbia, South Carolina, USA.


Presentation on “Forces Behind the Fall of Medicare”, Dalhousie Law School. March 24, 2006, Halifax, Nova Scotia.


Presentation on the “Perils and Pitfalls of Multi-disciplinary Research” at Health Canada’s Health Regulation Research Conference. March 23, 2006, Ottawa, Ontario.


Presentation on the Chaoulli decision – Opening speaker for the Canadian Perspectives Series, for Alumni of the University of Toronto. March 22, 2006, Toronto, Ontario.


Presentation on Chaoulli at the 3rd National Health Law Conference. February 23-24, 2006, Halifax, Nova Scotia.


Presentation at the 2006 Health Care Policy Invitational Forum, Langdon Hall. February 8-10, 2006, Cambridge, Ontario.


Presentation to the University of Toronto Medical Society on Private Health Care in other Jurisdictions, 23 January, 2006.


Presentation to the Canadian Association of University Women, on the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision in Chaoulli. January 14, 2006.


Presentation at the Centre for Constitutional Studies and the Faculty of Law, University of Alberta, “Courting Trouble: The Supreme Court’s Embrace of Private Health Insurance”. November 24, 2005, Edmonton, Alberta


Presentation on the Chaoulli decision at the Medical Reform Group, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto. November 14, 2005, Toronto, Ontario.


Invited to be the after-dinner speaker at the Association of Canadian Academic healthcare Organizations, Fall Invitation Conference on “Courting Trouble: The Supreme Court’s Embrace of Private Health Insurance.” November 3-4, 2005, Westin Hotel, Ottawa, Ontario.


Presentation at the Osgoode Professional Development Conference: Chaoulli and the Restructuring of Health Care in Canada. October 26, 2005, Toronto, Ontario.


Presentation at the Ontario Ministry of Health on “Is Devolution the Solution?” This paper was instrumental in the government’s new mandate to create “Local Health Integration Networks.” This is one of the most significant health policy initiatives in Ontario in the last decade. June 2, 2004.


Invited presentation “Should New Zealand Copy Canada’s Ban on Private Insurance?”, National Healthcare Leadership Conference on “What is in and out of the Medicare Basket?”. June 1, 2004, Quebec City, Quebec.


Invited presentations to the Ministry of Health, May 25, 2005, Auckland, New Zealand:

  1. “A Tale of Toronto: National and International Lessons in Public Health Governance from the SARS Crisis”
  2. “Rights and Rationing in Health Care: A Canadian Story”
  3. “What’s In and Out of the Medicare Basket”


Faculty seminar for the Faculty of Law, University of Auckland on “Litigating Health Care Rights in Canada”. May 13, 2005, Auckland, New Zealand.


Presented “A Tale of Toronto: National and International Lessons in Public Health Governance from the SARS Crisis” to the School of Public Health colloquium, Tamaki Campus, Auckland University. May 3, 2005, Auckland, New Zealand.


Participation in a debate at the Public Health Law Conference, “Regulators should back off in public health”. Argued in the affirmative. April 21-22, 2005, Auckland, New Zealand.


Invited Public Lecture, Faculty of Medicine, University of Otago, “Should New Zealand Copy Canada’s Ban on Private Health Insurance?”. March 23, 2005, Dunedin, New Zealand.


Invited Lecture, Faculty of Law, University of Otago, “Rationing and Rights to Health Care: The Role of Canadian Courts”. March 22, 2005, Dunedin, New Zealand.


Invited Lecture, Bioethics Group, University of Otago, “What’s In and Out of Medicare? Who Decides?” March 21, 2005, Dunedin, New Zealand.


Presentation at the conference “For Profit Healthcare: What is the Big Deal?”, Society of Graduates in Health Policy, Management and Evaluation and the Toronto Chapter of the Canadian College of Health Services Executives. January 17, 2005, Toronto, Ontario.


Plenary (invited) Presentation to the CIHR Health Policy Conference, “Why We Need A Health Council”. November 23, 2003, Montreal, Quebec.


Presentation to “The Role Of Government Research Panel”, University Of Toronto, “Steering And Rowing In Health Care: The Devolution Option”. June 17, 2003, Toronto, Ontario.


Plenary (invited) Presentation at the Council of Canadian Health Care Conference, Excellence in Human Resources, speaking on the health of human resources. April 2003, The Sheraton Hotel, Toronto.


“The Prospects for a National Pharmacare Plan: Lessons from Australia,” Institute for Research in Public Policy, “National Aspects of Pharmacare”. September 2002, Toronto, Ontario.


“Strengthening the Foundations: Securing the Modernity of the Canada Health Act” Alberta Health Law Institute, 25th Anniversary Conference. September 2002, Edmonton, Alberta.


“Private Financing? Private Delivery? Two Tier Healthcare?” National Healthcare Leadership Conference. May 27-28, 2002, Halifax, Nova Scotia.


“NAFTA, Have We Traded Away our Capacity for Innovative Health Reform?”, Centre for Health Services and Policy Research, 14th Annual Health Policy Conference. November 9, 2001, Vancouver, British Columbia.


“Contracting Out for Home Care Services”, at the Karolinska Institute. June 2001, Stockholm, Sweden.


“What the Canada Health Act (CHA) Really Says”, The Canadian Health Services Research Foundation, 2nd Annual Invited Exchange. May 31 and June 1, 2001, Glenerin Inn, Erin Mills, Ontario.


Chair of panel on “International Health Issues” at the Canadian Health Economics Research Association conference, Health, “Economics and the Future: The 9th Canadian Conference on Health Economics”. May 23-26, 2001, Toronto, Ontario.


Plenary Speaker at the Canadian Bioethics Society Conference, “Technology, Private Financing and the Sustainability of the Canada Health Act”. October 19-21, 2000, Quebec City.


“Health Policy and Outcomes in Canada and the US”, paper presented at the Queen’s International Institute on Social Policy. August 23, 2000, Kingston, Ontario.


“The Illegality of Private Health Care in Canada”, paper presented on the Dialogue on Health Reform Roundtable. June 28, 2000, Toronto, Ontario.


“Reinventing Health Care: A Comparison of Reform in Canada and New Zealand” paper presented to the New Zealand Treasury. May 26, 2000, Wellington, New Zealand.


“Conundrums in Causation and Informed Consent”, Paper presented to the Superior Court of Justice, Spring Education Seminar. April 26-28, 2000, London, Ontario.


“Rights to Health Care in Canada”, paper presented at Erasmus Health Policy Institute. March 2000, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.


“Reinventing Health Care: A Comparison of Reform in Canada and New Zealand”, presented to the Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto. February 2000, Toronto, Ontario.


“Reinventing Health Care: A Comparison of Reform in Canada and New Zealand”, the 1999 Labelle Lecture, McMaster University. October 1999, Hamilton, Ontario.


“Conundrums in Causation and Informed Consent”, Paper presented to the National Judicial Institute Conference, Tort Law for the Twenty-First Century. May 19-21, 1999, Halifax, Nova Scotia.


“Legal Aspects of Infection Control Strategies”, Paper presented to the Canadian Association for Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Disease’ 66th Conjoint Meeting on Infectious Diseases. November 10, 1998, Toronto, Ontario.


“Regulating the Shifting Sand at the Public/Private Divide” and “Regulatory Options” invited plenary speaker at the Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis, 11th Annual Health Policy Conference (First speaker to have been invited two consecutive years). May 27-29, 1998, Hamilton, Ontario


“Challenging the System: Strategies and Support from Law and Ethics,” a panel presentation at the Registered Nurses’ Association of Nova Scotia, 1998 Annual General Meeting and Education Conference. May 12, 1998, Halifax, Nova Scotia.


“Pharmacists and the Law: Legal Liability Arising from Patient Counselling,” invited plenary speaker at the Canadian Pharmacy Students Professional Development Week 1998. February 6, 1998, Halifax, Nova Scotia.


“International Trends in Health Care Reform: The Economist’s Contribution,” invited workshop presented at the Canadian Bioethics Society 9th Annual Meeting. October 1997, Halifax, Nova Scotia.


“Legal and Economic Analysis of Public and Private Insurance Coverage of Drug Costs for People Living with HIV and AIDS,” invited speaker at HIV/AIDS Education Conference: Employers and Insurers. May 27, 1997, Halifax, Nova Scotia.


“Legal Issues in Contracting Out for Health Services in the Public Sector,” invited plenary speaker at the Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis, 10th Annual Health Policy Conference. May 21-23, 1997, Hamilton, Ontario.


“Beyond the Rhetoric: Health Reform and Policy,” invited speaker and plenary panelist at “Challenge to Change!: A Provincial Women’s Forum,” Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women. April 24-26, 1997, Baddeck, Nova Scotia.


“Reconciliation of Professional Interest and the Public Interest in an Era of Reform: Nova Scotia Registered Nurses,” invited speaker at the Annual Regional Meeting of the Registered Nurses’ Association of Nova Scotia. April 23, 1997, Halifax, Nova Scotia.


“Contracting Out for Health Services in Canada,” presented at the 1997 Canadian Law and Economics Association Annual Conference. September 1997, Toronto, Ontario.


Conferences (Peer-reviewed Abstracts)


Panelist at the Annual Canadian Association of Health Services and Policy Research Conference, as part of a panel on “The financing and sustainability of Canada’s health care system: What evidence is needed to inform a Health Accord renegotiation?” May 12, 2010, Toronto, Ontario.


Presented at the Annual Canadian Association of Health Services and Policy Research Conference, presentation titled “The Evidentiary Burden for Overturning Government’s Choice of Regulatory Instrument: Direct-to-Consumer Advertising”. May 11, 2010, Toronto, Ontario.


Presentation on “Evidence, the Judiciary, and Public Policy” at CHSPR’s 2008 conference, Evidence Soup for the Policy Maker’s Soul, session entitled “Health is up, opinion is down, courts are engaged…”, March 4-5, 2008. Vancouver, British Columbia.


Presentation at the 5th International Conference on Priorities in Health Care. I presented in the session about “Who calls the shots?– the role of key players in priority setting”. November 3-5, 2004, Wellington, New Zealand.


Presentations, 1st Conference of the Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research, May 25-28, 2004, Montreal, Quebec:

  1. Presented (as part of referred competition for papers) “Is Devolution the Solution?” with Duncan Sinclair.
  2. Organized a special session on the Medicare Basket. I presented “What is in and out of the Medicare Basket.” Other presenters included Peter Coyte and Julia Abelson.


International Health Economics Association 2001 meeting in York, England, “Reinventing Health Care: A Legal, Economic and Political Analysis of Reform in Canada and New Zealand”.


Canadian Health Economics Research Association, “Marshalling the Evidence”, at the conference, Health, “Economics and the Future: The 9th Canadian Conference on Health Economics”. May 23-26, 2001, Toronto, Ontario.


“The Prospects For Competition-Oriented Health Care Reform,” Canadian Law and Economics Association Annual Conference. September 27-28, 1996, Toronto, Ontario.


“Prospects For New Zealand’s Reformed Health Care Allocation System,” paper presented at the inaugural meeting of the International Health Economics Association. May 19-23, 1996, Vancouver, British Columbia.


“Keep the Change: New Zealand’s Health Care System” presented at the Canadian Health Economics Research Association annual conference, August 25, 1995, Wilfred Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario.


Other Presentations


Participated on a panel translating “Academic Research into Health Care Systems Change”, Queen’s Health Policy Change Conference Series: Toward a Canadian Healthcare Strategy, 13 June 2013, Toronto, Ontario


Moderated and organized an in-camera exchange (Best Brains) with the Saskatchewan government on “Developing and Implementing a Framework for Patient and Family-Centred Care”. October 6, 2010, Regina, Saskatchewan.


Invited presentation to the Board of the Canadian Health Services and Policy Research Foundation. October 7, 2010, Ottawa, Ontario.


Presented at workshop on Health Rights at the Public/Private Intersection at the University of Toronto. This conference brought together health law and policy scholars from around the world, to discuss the impact of health rights litigation on equality of access to health care. In addition to presenting on health rights in Canada, I co-hosted the event with Aeyal Gross. October 22, 2010, Toronto, Ontario.


Moderated and led a workshop with deputy ministers and assistant deputy ministers from all provinces and territories – Financing, Sustainability and Governance Workshop. October 13, 2010, Halifax, Nova Scotia.


CIHR Best Brains Exchange co-hosted by Health Canada and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) on the topic, “Whether results based on current data sources and pharmacoepidemiological research methods will be sufficiently robust for decision makers”. March 29, 2010, Toronto, Ontario.


CIHR Best Brain Consultation on “Clearing a path to mental health: How can we improve access to effective mental healthcare services”. Hosted by: CIHR Institute of Health Services and Policy Research in partnership with the Mental Health Commission of Canada. February, 2010, Montreal, Quebec.


Opening and Closing Remarks at CIHR Primary Healthcare Summit – a multidisciplinary primary care collaboration among decision makers, administrators, clinicians, researchers and patient representatives as a catalyst for new collaborations and innovative thinking in primary healthcare titled, “Patient-oriented Primary Healthcare – Scaling up Innovation”. January 18-19, 2010, Toronto, Ontario.


Participant at the 4th Annual Canadian Congress for Research on Mental Health and Addiction in the Workplace, the leading Canadian forum dedicated to exchanging scientific evidence to improve the working environment and the mental health of workers. During this 2½-day congress, hundreds of researchers, business leaders, policy-makers, service providers and workers gathered to share information on the latest research and practical, evidence-based policies, programs and tools. October 28-30, 2009, Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto, Ontario.


Plenary panelist on Workplace Mental Health Research titled “In Conversation with the CIHR Institute Directors”. October 28-30, 2009, Toronto, Ontario.


CIHR Café Scientifique – Moderator for café “As seen on TV! The risks and benefits of direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription-only drugs”. March 3, 2008, Vancouver, British Columbia.


CIHR Café Scientifique – Moderator for café “Private Finance and Canadian Medicare”. February 27, 2008, Ottawa, Ontario.


CIHR Café Scientifique – Moderator for café “All I ever do is wait! Putting an end to health care wait times”, February 19, 2008, Ottawa, Ontario


CIHR Café Scientifique – Moderator for café “Whose Life is it Anyway? Assisted Suicide in Canada”, Halifax, Nova Scotia, February 18, 2008.


Welcome and Opening Remarks “Best Brain Consultation: Improving Chronic Disease Management and Prevention with Electronic Health Records”, Hosted by: CIHR Institute of Health Services and Policy Research and the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care e-Health Team. February 4, 2008, Toronto, Ontario.


Opening remarks at the “Of What Difference: Reflections on the Judgment and Abortion in Canada Today” symposium to mark the 20th Anniversary of R v. Morgentaler, sponsored by the Faculty of Law, University of Toronto and the National Abortion Federation at the University of Toronto. January 25, 2008, Toronto, Ontario.


Opening remarks for Access to Care Research Synthesis Workshop, hosted by: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Conference of Provincial and Territorial Deputy Ministers of Health and Health Canada. January 15, 2008, Toronto, Ontario.


Presentation given at the “Making Research Work for Canada’s Healthcare Leaders” session of the CAHSPR Conference 2007 – Leading, Linking and Listening: Knowledge Exchange at the Frontiers of Health Services and Policy Research. June 12, 2007, Toronto, Ontario.


Participant in a roundtable discussion on developing a research agenda pertaining to health integration and quality improvement in home care at The Change Foundation Symposium: Showcasing Successes in Health-care Change, Framing Future Challenges. May 25, 2007, Toronto, Ontario.


Plenary Address at the S.O.S. Medicare 2: Looking Forward Conference and the Keynote Address “Courts vs. Medicare” with Greg Marchildon at Session #1 of the Conference, at the Queensbury Convention Centre. May 3-4, 2007, Regina, Saskatchewan.


Panelist in Session #3: “Financing to Achieve Greater Equity” of the S.O.S. Medicare 2: Looking Forward Conference at the Queensbury Convention Centre. May 3-4, 2007, Regina, Saskatchewan.


Discussant for “Confronting difficult choices in wait time management – the New-Zealand experience”, presented by Ray Naden, The Taming of the Queue conference. April 3, 2007, Ottawa, Ontario.


Presentation during Introduction to Health Services and Policy Research “Courts v. Medicare”, at the CIHR Workshop for Health Reporters, University of Toronto. (In collaboration with CIHR Marketing and Communications, Ottawa, ON). March 26-27, 2007, Toronto, Ontario.


Presentation on “Access to Health Care and Services: Developing Priorities for First Nations, Inuit and Metis People”; at a workshop hosted by the Canadian Institutes for Health Research – Institute of Aboriginal Peoples’ Health, Institute of Health Policy and Services Research and the First Nations and Inuit Health Branch, Health Canada. February 27, 2007, Ottawa, Ontario.


Presentation on “Building Rural Health Research Capacity – A National Update” to the New Brunswick Rural Health Network, Rural Health Research Symposium. February 20, 2007, Fredericton, New Brunswick.


Presentation at “Building a Health Human Resources Research and Knowledge Translation Exchange Agenda” workshop in collaboration with Jamie Hockin, Public Health Agency Canada and Robert Shearer, Health Canada. February 13, 2007, Vancouver, British Columbia.


Faculty seminar on “The Canadian Institutes of Health Research: Funding Research and Researchers and Opportunities for Legal Scholars”, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto. October 23, 2006, Toronto, Ontario.


Presentation on “Seeking the Grail: Financing for Quality, Accessibility and Sustainability in the Health Care System”, (with Mark Stabile and Carolyn Tuohy) for the conference on Social Insurance for Health Care: Economic, Legal and Political Considerations, School of Public Policy & Governance, University of Toronto. November 9, 2006, Toronto, Ontario.


Presentation at “Tribute to Frank Iacobucci”, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto: The Contextual Turn: Iacobucci’s Legacy and the Standard of Review in Administrative Law (with Lorne Sossin). October 19-20, 2006, Toronto, Ontario.


Presentation on the Chaoulli decision at the Health Law and Policy Seminar Series. March 2, 2006, Toronto, Ontario.


Presentation at the Faculty of Nursing on the Structure and Dynamics of the Canadian Health Care System, January 19, 2004.


Presentation at the Health Law Teacher’s Curriculum Network Meeting on the Health Law and Policy Workshop, January 22, 2004.


“How Decisions Are Made About What is In and Out of Medicare”, National Health Law Conference 2004. January 23-24, 2004, Toronto, Ontario. Presentation available on conference website: <www.law.utoronto.ca/conferences/healthlaw04.html>.


Chair of a workshop, sponsored by the Canadian Medical Association on “The Medicare Basket”, March 4, 2004.


Participated in panel discussions at the “Open Forum – Plasma Self-sufficiency in Canada – is it a matter of safety?” National Blood Safety Council. March 29-30, 2001, Vancouver, British Columbia.


“How Does Private Finance Affects Public Health Care Systems? Marshalling the Evidence from OECD Nations”, Health Law and Policy Seminar, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto. March 15, 2001, Toronto, Ontario.


Participated in the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Open Forum. February 27, 2001, Scarborough, Ontario.


Participated in a panel considering patient rights legislation organized by the Ontario Hospital Association and the Ontario Medical Association. January 23, 2001, Toronto, Ontario.


Presentation at the First Annual Health Law Day, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, “Health Care Reform: The Prospects for Lawyers”. October 27, 2000, Toronto, Ontario.


Participation in the Ontario Medical Association Roundtable, “Canada Health Act: Continuing the Dialogue”. October 17, 2000.


“Reinventing Health Care: A Comparison of Reform in Canada and New Zealand”, presented at the Toronto Law Faculty lunchtime meeting. February 2000, Toronto, Ontario.


“Commentary on Universal Access and Cross-subsidies” presented at “Breaking the Mould: Reconceiving Telecommunications Regulation”, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto. February 2000, Toronto, Ontario.


“Deinstitutionalization and the Shift to Home Care”, Paper presented as part of the Dalhousie Health Law Institute’s Health Law and Policy Seminar Series. January 19, 1999, Halifax, Nova Scotia.


Member of Panel, Challenges in Modern Day Genetics: Insurance, Genetics, and Fair Distribution, Atlantic Research Centre. May 28, 1999, Halifax, Nova Scotia.


“Can Government Be Reinvented?” by Michael Trebilcock, which I presented on his behalf at the conference on “Reconfiguring the State,” Faculty of Commerce and Administration. July 1994, Wellington, New Zealand.


“Exit and Voice in New Zealand’s Health Care Sector” presented as the keynote speech at the Legal Research Foundation’s symposium on “Contracting in the Health Sector” June 1994, Auckland, New Zealand.


  1. Media: Interviews, etc.



Quoted in Vanessa Milne, Sachin Pendharkar & Michael Nolan, “Is Canada’s medical malpractice system working” (November 20, 2014); online: http://healthydebate.ca/2014/11/topic/cmpa-medical-malpractice.


Quoted in Kelly Grant, “Government health care spending, and how much seniors account for” Globe and Mail, 30 October 2014.


Quoted in Kelly Grant, “Health-care spending projected to grow at slowest pace in 17 years” Globe and Mail, 30 October 2014.


A conversation with The Current, CBC Radio on the Westbank First Nation’s plan to build a private, for-profit hospital on its land, 2 October 2013 http://news.nationalpost.com/2013/09/19/b-c-first-nation-poised-to-build-luxury-private- hospital-to-serve-medical-tourists-and-wealthy-canadians/


An eight-part interview series with local CBC radio stations on the issue of physician-assisted suicide, 25 September 2013: The Bridge (Bob Steele, Windsor), All in a Day (Alan Neal, Ottawa), Here and Now (Gill Deacon, Toronto), All Points West (Jo-Ann Roberts, Victoria), On the Coast (Stephen Quinn, Vancouver), Shift (Paul Castle, New Brunswick), On the Go (Ted Blades, St. John’s)


Quoted in A. Motluk, “Insurer denies coverage for fertility doctor facing lawsuit” (2013) 185 CMAJ 1305.



Interview with Jonathan Sher of The London Free Press on the continuing resistance of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario to disclose information to the public about its inspections of out-of-hospital premise, 13 July 2013


Interviewed by Theresa Boyle of the Toronto Star on the transparency of decision-making regarding hospital cut-backs, 10 May 2013


Quoted in Toronto Star “Private clinics that failed inspections will be named, health minister says”, Theresa Boyle, http://www.thestar.com/business/article/1297158–private-clinics-that-failed-inspections-will-be-named-health-minister-says, December 4, 2012


Interview with Teresa Boyle — Toronto Star on regulation of quality and safety in private clinics –3 December 2012


Quoted by in the Calgary Herald , “Emery: Getting Better Value Health Care Spending”, November 29, 2012, http://www.calgaryherald.com/columnists/Emery Getting better value health care spending/7578353/story.html


Interview with “Canadian Medical Association Journal of decision-making about which health services are “medically necessary” “Medically necessary: How to decide?” http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3494334/, November 6 2012


26 October 2012 — Interview with Anne Silversides for HealthyDebates on possibility of the Ontario Ombudsmen having the ability to accept patient complaints vis-a-vis hospitals and long term care institution <http://healthydebate.ca/2012/11/topic/politics-of-health-care/ombudsman>.


“Advice to the CBC TV TV documentary program the fifth estate regarding a project that aims to give Canadians an accurate and accessible measure of hospital performance” — 19 September 2012


Quoted in Ottawa Citizen — Analysis: Can health spending in Ontario be slowed without hurting patients? By Pauline Tam, June 25, 2012 http://www.ottawacitizen.com/health/Analysis+health+spending+Ontario+slowed+without+hurting+patients/6838277/story.html


Interview with Pauline Tam, Ottawa Citizen, about the impasse in contract talks between the Ontario government and the Ontario Medical Association, Ottawa Citizen, 14 June 2012.


  • Interview with Pauline Tam about the about the impasse in contract talks between the Ontario government and the Ontario Medical Association, Ottawa Citizen, June 14, 2012.
  • Interview re Medical Necessity by Lauren Vogel for a series of news articles on the concept of medical necessity in determining publicly funded health service coverage, in Canadian Medical Association Journal, May 8, 2012.
  • Live interview with CBC News Network with host Suhana Maharchand on the article published in the CMAJ about provinces needing to adopt a patient charter of rights, April 25, 2012
  • Interview with Jane Haughton, “Here and Now” on CBC Radio, on the prospects for a patient bill of rights. April 23, 2012
  • “Provinces should enshrine patient rights in a charter, law experts say”, The Toronto Star, April 23, 2012 <http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/article/1166257–provinces-should-enshrine-patient-rights-in-a-charter-law-experts-say>
  • Interviewed on CBC: The Sunday Edition on the implications of the Supreme Court of Canada’s Insite decision (2011) <http://www.cbc.ca/video/news/audioplayer.html?clipid=2153821720>
  • Interview with Andre Picard, on what can/should the Harper government do differently on the healthcare file now that it has a majority, The Globe and Mail, 10 May 2011.
  • Interviewed by the Medical Post for an editorial series on health system sustainability and quoted by Colin Leslie, May 2011.
  • “Heaven or Hell? The Canada Health Act” (1000 words) PolicyMatters.ca, 30 November 2010 [Link to full text]. This piece was an invited contribution for an online symposium at PolicyMatters.ca.


Interview in “Health is Everything” video, online at the CIHR youtube channel. <http://youtu.be/BuXBSC3esSM>.


Streaming webcast of my presentation at the First Global Symposium on Health Systems Research – Science to Accelerate Universal Health Coverage, November 16, 2010: <http://www.hsr-symposium.org/index.php/hsr-webcast>.


Television interview with Sue Sgambati, CP24 “On the implications for Canada as a result of the US health Reform”. March 2010.


Telephone conversation with Melinda Dalton, reporter working on a series of stories for the Metroland chain of publications on the Canadian Health Care system on “The legalities of private health care in Ontario (both from the standpoint of clinics and practitioners themselves as well as insurance)”. April 2009.


“Canadian Medicare: Careful Comparison Required” The Hill Times, 21 January, 2008.


“Privatized medical care no cure for waiting lists” (with Meghan McMahon), Toronto Star, 18 September 2007.


Interviewed on the pros and cons of the Canadian health-care system vis-à-vis the American, XM Satellite Radio, 21 June 2007.


Interviewed on private knee-replacement surgery and system implications, Ontario Today Program, CBC Radio, 15 March 2007.


CIUT Mainline radio interview “Supreme Court of Canada decision in Chaoulli allowing the purchase of private health insurance, and how other countries really regulate the public/private divide”, 29 January 2007.


“Nota bene – Awards, honours and happenings”, Edge Magazine, Fall/Winter 2006.


CBC Radio interview, 30 November 2006.


  • Interview in “The business of health care reform”, Canadian Business, 10 June 2011, [Link to full text]


Television interview on ichannel – Panel discussion on health care (1 hour show), 7 March 2006.


Interview for CTV Morning AM television, discussing the Alberta proposals for reform of the health care system, 2 March 2006.


Radio interview with CBC Winnipeg discussing the Alberta proposals for reform of the health care system, 2 March 2006.


Interview for The National, CBC, discussing the Alberta proposals for reform of the health care system, 1 March 2006.


CBC Edmonton AM, interview on the Chaoulli decision, 24 November 2005.


Participated in an open forum on the Chaoulli decision for “the House”, CBC Radio, aired on 29 October 2005.


Interview with CBC French radio on the Health Services Appeal and Review Board, 27 July 2005.


Television interview on CBC Morning News regarding how provinces make decisions about what drugs to fund, 27 July 2005.


Participation in CBC Cross Country Check-up with Rex Murphy discussing the Chaoulli decision, 12 June 2005.


“Canada may move toward U.K. system”, Globe and Mail, 10 June 2005.


Chaoulli decision, CHUM-FM, 9 June 2005.


Featured in an article, “Private Cover no solution to waiting list”, by John Gibb, Otago Daily Times (New Zealand) 26-7 March 2005, p. 8.


Radio interview, Otago radio station, New Zealand, on public/private financing of health care, 25 March 2005.


Interview and quoted in “The End of Health Care”, The Walrus, June 2004.


Interview with Mary Janigan on waiting lists and times for an article appearing in Maclean’s on 19 April, 2004.


Interview with Radio Canada International on SARS as an opportunity for reform of the public health care system, 29 April 2003.


Interview with CBC Network News on SARS as an opportunity for reform of the public health care system, 28 April 2003.


Appearance on Global TV, debating a Supreme Court Challenge under s. 7 to restrictions on two-tier health care in Quebec. At the time, Global Sunday was Canada’s No. 1-ranked current affairs discussion program. It was produced from Calgary and hosted by Danielle Smith. 2 June 2003.


Appearance on Global TV, “Agenda” reacting to the findings of a Pollara Poll looking at Health Care. The show aired the week of 9 June 2003.


CBC radio interview with Michael Enright on the future of Medicare, broadcasted 30 November 2003.


CBC television interview with Beatrice Poledi, broadcast on 10 September 2003 at 6.30 pm.


Appearance on CBC Radio, “The Current” to discuss reactions to the Romanow Report, 6 December, 2002.


Appearance on Rogers Television, “Agenda” to discuss the Romanow Report, 2 December, 2002, 10 am – 12 p.m. (replayed 4 times through the week on Rogers Cable and MSNBC Canada).


Appearance on CBC Radio show, to discuss the Romanow Report, 29 November 2002.


Interview with CTV television, discussing the Romanow Report, 28 November 2002.


Interview with CBC Newsworld, discussing the Romanow Report, 28 November 2002.


Interview on CBC, “The National”, 22 and 23 November 2002.


Appearance on Rogers Television, “Agenda” to discuss the “State of Health Care”, 4 November, 2000, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. (replayed 4 times through the week on Rogers Cable and MSNBC Canada).


Appearance on the CBC radio show “This Morning” to discuss the Mazinkowski report, 9 January, 2002.


Television presentation in Ottawa to debate the Canada Health Act, special session convened by the Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada, March 2002.


Television presentation on “Counterspin” in Toronto, discussing health care reform, March 2002.


Radio interview on CBC on health policy, 15 November 2001.


Member of the CBC Town-Hall Debate, “Medicare: Crisis What Crisis???”, a special forum discussion on the state of Canada’s Medicare System. Recorded 27 September 2000 and broadcast 2 October 2000. Other panel-members included Allan Rock, Peter Barrett, Patricia O’Reilly, Andrew Coyne and David Gratzor.


CBC radio interviews on various health reform issues with stations in Halifax, Sydney, Quebec City, Calgary, Kelowna, Fredericton, Thunder Bay, Ottawa, St. John’s, Montreal, and Edmonton, January 2000.


Global television interview on the issue of public funding of in vitro fertilization services, July 1999.


New Brunswick newspaper and CBC radio in New Brunswick interview speaking on the Health Care Funding Guarantee Act, July 1999.


CBC radio interview in Halifax on the issue of public funding of in vitro fertilization services, June 1999.


CBC radio interview in Halifax on “two-tier” medical care and the impact on waiting lists, January 1999.


Quoted in Print


“Analysis: Can health spending in Ontario be slowed without hurting patients?”, by Pauline Tam, Ottawa Citizen, http://www.ottawacitizen.com/health/Analysis+health+spending+Ontario+slowed+without+hurting+patients/6838277/story.html, June 25, 2012.


“Provinces need patient charter of rights: CMAJ”, by QMI Agency, 24 Hours Vancouver, http://vancouver.24hrs.ca/Lifestyle/2012/04/23/19667811.html, April 23, 2012.


“Canadian provinces need to adopt a patient charter of rights”, Medical Express, http://medicalxpress.com/news/2012-04-canadian-provinces-patient-charter-rights.html, April 23, 2012 in Health


“Patients need bill of rights, two law profs argue”, Hamilton Spectator, http://www.thespec.com/news/canada/article/710252–patients-need-bill-of-rights-two-law-profs-argue, April 23, 2012.


“Another health system coming apart at the seams”, by L. Mallinder, Irish Times, page 7, 11 January, 2011.


“Time to get our Health Act together” by A. Picard in the Globe and Mail, page A8, 8 November, 2010.


“The outspoken surgeon medicare advocates love to hate”, by R. Mickleburgh, Globe and Mail, page A16, 6 November, 2010.


“Tough choices: private sale of drugs in public hospitals”, by Colleen M. Flood and Lorian Hardcastle (2010) 182 Canadian Medical Association Journal 374-376, DOI:10.1503/cmaj.081137, First published 8 February 2010, Published in CMAJ on 9 March 2010 [Link to full text].


“CIHR pledges to tackle primary health care”, Paul Christopher Webster (2010) 182:4 Canadian Medical Association Journal, DOI:10.1503/cmaj.109-3160, First published 21 January 2010, Published in CMAJ on 9 March 2010 [Link to full text].


“Outcome of health-related legal challenges is sometimes surprising”, by Ann Silversides (2009) 181:11 Canadian Medical Association Journal, DOI:10.1503/cmaj.109-3075, First published 13 October 2009, Published in CMAJ on 24 November 2009 [Link to full text].


Chaoulli a brisé un tabou en réclamant le droit de contracter une assurance privée”, by Jonathan Trudel in L’Actualité, 15 April, 2008.


“Abortion, gunshot wounds, lung cancer: Who pays?” by Andre Picard in the Globe and Mail, page L5, 7 February 2008.


“Public-Private Medicine: Quebec opens door to more private health care”, by Rheal Seguin and Gloria Galloway in the Globe and Mail, page A1, 20 February, 2008.


“The doctor auction; Perks to attract new family physicians are pitting cities against each other” by Ann Lukits, Kingston Whig Standard, December 2007.


“Two new case studies” (Editorial) in The Medical Post (Toronto), 20 November, 2007.


“Report decries for-profit clinics plan” by Kerry Gillespie in the Toronto Star, 1 October, 2007.


“Charter of Rights a ‘blunt instrument’ when it comes to health care. Researcher says there’s a better way to fight health policy” by Michael MacLean in the Sault Star, 18 August 2007.


“Winnipeg Solution the wrong remedy Re: Public health may need private cure, July 31”, letter to the editor in the Winnipeg Free Press, 7 August 2007.


“Docs offer wrong prescription…”, letter to the editor by Guy Caron in The Calgary Sun, 5 August 2007.


“Fixing medicare is the only answer”, letter to the editor by Sharon Sholzberg-Gray in the National Post, 3 August 2007.


“Private MDs will lengthen waiting lists”, letter to the editor by Sharon Sholzberg-Gray in The Ottawa Citizen, 3 August 2007.


“Private health care system not answer to wait times” letter to the editor by Guy Caron in the The Windsor Star, 3 August 2007.


“Assault on medicare”, letter to the editor by Maija Kagis in The Leader-Post (Regina), 19 May 2007.


“Expanding coverage may say the system” by Karen Brownlee in The Leader-Post (Regina), 4 May 2007.


“How much is your health worth to the bottomline?” by Julie Fortier in the Ottawa Business Journal, 16 April 2007.


“Pressure builds on OHIP over foreign surgery,” by Debra Black in the Toronto Star, 22 January 2007.


“A ticking political time bomb” by Mary Janigan in Maclean’s 117:17, 26 April 2004 p. 14.


“What’s a wait worth?” by Mary Janigan in Maclean’s 116:2, 13 January 2003, p. 39.


“Stretching the Medicare envelope” by Mary Janigan in Maclean’s 113:14, 3 April 2000, p. 46.


Other Media


“Inconsistencies in cardiac surgery wait time benchmarks, according to new study”, quoted in the Heart & Stroke Foundation Press release, 21-24 October, 2007.


“Report decries for-profit clinics plan” by Kerry Gillespie in the Toronto Star, 1 October, 2007.


“Charter of Rights a ‘blunt instrument’ when it comes to health care. Researcher says there’s a better way to fight health policy” in the Sault Star, 18 August, 2007.


“Docs offer wrong prescription…” (editorial) in The Calgary Sun, 5 August, 2007.


“Private health care system not answer to wait times” by Guy Caron in the The Windsor Star, 3 August, 2007.


“IHSPR SD, Dr. Colleen M. Flood, first woman in history bestowed with Jerry Lee Guest Lecturer honour” in ‘Around the Globe’: Highlights of CIHR’s International Connections (July 2007) 2:4


“CIHR Workshop for Health Reporters”, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, 26-27 March 2007.


“New CIHR scientific director seeks to improve health care services”, News@UofT, 5 September 2006.


“Law Professor joins CIHR”, News@UofT, 2 May 2006.


“Dr. Colleen M. Flood Appointed New Scientific Director of CIHR’s Institute of Health Services and Policy Research,” CIHR website, 27 April 2006.


Featured in Fall/Winter 2006 issue of Edge magazine. Online: <http://www.research.utoronto.ca/edge/fall2006/2.html>.


  1. Other Professional Activities


2015                Peer reviewer for Dalhousie Law Journal


2014-               Peer reviewer for the Journal of Women, Politics & Policy


2013-               Peer reviewer for the Institute for Research in Public Policy


2013-               Peer reviewer for the Osgoode Hall Law Journal


2011-               Member of the Governing Board for the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Studies


2012-               Chair of the Scientific Advisory Committee for the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Studies


2012-               Member of The Law and Society Association


2011                Member of the Canadian Institute for Health Information’s Strategic Analytic Advisory Committee


2010-               Member of the editorial board for the Israel Journal of Health Policy Research


2009-               Member of the editorial board for the Journal of Health Economics, Policy & Law


2009                The Scientific Director of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Institute of Health Services and Policy Research (IHSPR).


2007                Selected by the Ontario Ministry of Health & Long-Term Care to serve on an advisory committee regarding an integrated Ontario health research strategy.


2007               Selected as part of the Health Canada delegation to the Netherlands to compare health systems.


2007                Served on an External Advisory Committee to the iCARE Governing Board, University of Alberta.


2007                Invited participant to a roundtable discussion of the Canadian government’s new science and technology strategy, Mobilizing Science and Technology to Canada’s Advantage, coordinated by Health Canada, Ottawa, ON, 9 October, 2007.


2007               Chair, Canadian Health Services Research Foundation (CHSRF), Listening for Direction III translation workshop.


2007                Meeting with Deputy Minister Rosenberg, Deputy Minister of Health, 20 December, 2007, Ottawa, ON.


2007               Promotion of CIHR – Institute of Health Services and Policy Research, programs and funding opportunities occurred throughout 2007 – 2008 via Town Hall Forum


2007                One of two external reviewers of the Centre for Health Services and Policy Research (CHSPR), Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, 23 – 24 October 2007.


2007               Coordinated meetings with U of T researchers in health law and policy and hosted meeting with the Hon. Minister Peter Dunne, Minister of Revenue, Associate Minister of Health, New Zealand, re: Canada’s medicines, drug, pharmaceutical strategy, Toronto, ON, 27 September 2007.


2006                Charter Challenge on Public Medicare – consultation with potential intervenors for Chaoulli-style challenge in Alberta.


2003-06           Peer Reviewer, Canadian Institutes for Health Research

  • External peer reviewer on 4 operating grants between 2003-2006
  • Operating Grant (2006)
  • Operating Grant – Priority Announcement: Knowledge Translation (2006)
  • Institute of Health Services and Policy Research – Operating Grant (2006)
  • Operating Grant (2003)


2003                Awarded Canada Research Chair in Health Law and Policy at the University of Toronto


2003                Peer Reviewer, Social Science and Humanities Research Council


2003                Participation at the CIHR training program in Halifax, 30 April – 2 May. Mentoring and feedback to graduate students in health law and policy


2003                Participation in the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation, Invited Exchange, “Finding the Fulcrum, What Are the Effective Levers for Change in Health Care?”, 29-30 May, Glererinn Inn, Erin Mills, Ontario.


2003                Invitational workshop on inter-generational justice held in Ottawa on 4 September 2003 (sponsored by Canadian Policy Research Networks and the Change Foundation).


2002                The Health Council. Organized and was the lead author on an editorial, submitted and published by the Toronto Star, calling for the establishment of a Health Council as promised in the First Ministers’ Accord, 2003. This was signed by some 50 leading policy analysts and academics across the country.


2002                Consultant to the CBC on their coverage of the Romanow report – November 20.


2002                Invited to participate in the Four Country Conference, Potsdam, Germany, 11-13 July 2002 “Diffusion of Medical Technologies: Innovation and Policy Response”.


2002                Invited by Federal Minister of Health, Anne McClelland to discuss health care reform issues, Ottawa, 10 April 2002.


2001                Invited by Gary Mar, Minister of Health for Alberta to present on health care reform initiatives to the Cabinet of Alberta, 27 June 2001.


2001                Invited by the Institute for Research in Public Policy to act in advisory capacity on the development of health law and policy expertise and funding provided for teaching relief.


2001                Invited by the Romanow Commission to provide a paper on the sustainability of the Canada Health Act and options for reform.


2001                Invited to participate in the Four Country Conference, Gananoque, Canada, July 12-14 2001, “Aging and Health Policy in the US, Canada, Germany and the Netherlands”.


2000-2001       Invited to present before the Senate Social Affairs Committee on Medicare on four separate occasions over the course of 2001-2002 on health care reform and to prepare four reports looking at what lessons Canada can learn from reform in other jurisdictions.


2000                Invited to appear before the Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology for its study on the health care system on 10 May 2000.


2000                Invited by the Institute for Research and Public Policy to be on a national taskforce to generate health reform proposals for the First Minister’s meeting in September 2000.


1999                Participated in workshop in Kananaskis with experts from around Canada on “Providing Genetic Testing through the Private Sector”.


1999                Member of the Dialogue Committee: Sustaining Confidence in Canada’s Health Care System.


1998-2000       Member of the Renewal and Restructuring of the Health System Peer Review Committee for the National Health Research and Development Program, Ottawa.


1999               Provided consulting advice to the Nova Scotia Dept. of Health on the policy issues inherent in charging for flu vaccines.


1998-1999       Assisted the Multicultural Centre with a guide for health care for new immigrants.


  1. Conference & Seminar Organization


2013                Organized the 2013 Annual Colloquium for the CIHR Training Program in Health Law, Ethics and Policy, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto.


2013                Provided support and direction for the organization of the annual Skills Workshop for the CIHR Training Program in Health Law, Ethics and Policy.


2013                Coordinated (with Lorne Sossin) a workshop on administrative law in Canada, focusing on Administrative Law in Context (2nd edition).


2012                Organized “Global Health Challenges & the Roles of Law”, the 2012 National Health Law Conference, University of Toronto.


2010                Organized a workshop on Health Rights at the Public/Private Intersection, Toronto, Ontario.


1999 -2010      Coordinated the Health Law and Policy Seminar Series at the Faculty of Law, University of Toronto.


2009                Co-organizer and speaker for Symposium in honour of Prof. Michael Trebilcock, Toronto, Ontario.


2010                Led the organization of a pan-Canadian summit on primary healthcare entitled “Patient-Oriented Primary Healthcare: Scaling Up Innovation,” Toronto, Ontario.


2008                Coordinated a national conference on Health Information, “Access to Data: Accountability and Responsibility,” Toronto, Ontario.


2008                Coordinated a Grant Writing Workshop and Seminar at the 2008 Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research Conference, Gatineau, Quebec.


2007                Coordinated (with Lorne Sossin) Administrative Law Text Symposium, Toronto, Ontario.


2007                Co-hosted (with Greg Marchildon) the “S.O.S. Medicare 2: Looking Forward Conference,” Regina, Saskatchewan.


2007                Organized “The Convergence of Health and Law International Perspectives” 5th Annual Global Health Research Conference, Toronto, Ontario.


2007                            Organized (in collaboration with CIHR Marketing and Communications) the “CIHR Workshop for Health Reporters,” University of Toronto.


2007                            Organized (in collaboration with Jamie Hockin, Public Health Agency Canada and Robert Shearer, Health Canada) the “Building a Health Human Resources Research and Knowledge Translation Exchange Agenda Workshop,” Vancouver, British Columbia.


2006                            Organized (in collaboration with Jocelyn Downie and Tim Caulfield) the “CIHR Training Program in Health Law and Policy – 4th Network Curriculum Meeting,” Montreal, Quebec.


2006                            Organized (in collaboration with Mark Stabile and Carolyn Tuohy) the “Social Insurance for Health Care: Economic, Legal and Political Considerations Conference,” Toronto, Ontario.


2006                            Organized (with Lorne Sossin) the “Administrative Law in Context Workshop,” Faculty of Law, University of Toronto.


2005                            Organized (in collaboration with Lorne Sossin and Kent Roach) the “Access to Care, Access to Justice: The Legal Debate Over Private Health Insurance” Chaoulli Conference, Toronto, Ontario.


2004                            Organized (in collaboration with Gopal Sreenivsan) the “Healing with Dollars and Sense: The Ethics of Cost-Effectiveness Workshop”, Toronto, Ontario.


2004                            Organized the “Careful Consideration: Decision Making in Health Care Conference,” Toronto, Ontario.


2004                            Organized the National Health Law Conference “Who Gets It? Who Decides? Issues of Access and Allocation in Health Care,” Toronto, Ontario.



2003                            Organized the “The SARS Crisis,” an open public forum on the SARS crisis, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto.


2002                            Organized a roundtable “Life after Kirby and Romanow: Will Real Change Happen?” Faculty of Law, University of Toronto.


2001                            Coordinator of the 2nd Annual Health Law Day, “A Patients’ Bill of Rights for Ontario?” Faculty of Law, University of Toronto.


2000                            Coordinated the 1st Annual Health Law Day, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto.


1998-2000       Coordinator of the Health Law and Policy Workshop Series at Dalhousie Health Law Institute.


1996                            Chair of Organization Committee, SGS–Massey College Symposium, “The Internet: Web or Cocoon?” Toronto, Ontario.





  1. Courses


2008-2011, 2013-2014                        Comparative Health Systems Law & Policy (Intensive Course)


2013-2014                               Public Health Law and Policy


2013-2014                               Contemporary Issues in Health Law, Ethics & Policy


1998-2008                               Health Systems Law and Policy


2000-2006, 2011-2012                        Administrative Law


1998-2001                               Regulated Industries


2000-2004                               Human Genome Bridge Week


2006                                        Legislating and Litigating Health Care Rights Bridge Week


2002-2004, 2005-2010                        Health Law and Policy Workshop



  1. Student Supervision


Graduate Supervision


Ongoing          Jonathan Soloman (LL.M. Thesis), “A Holistic Approach to Global Health Challenges”.


Ongoing          Catherine Deans (LL.M. Thesis), “Futility vs. Autonomy in Health Care”.


Ongoing          Michael DeSilva (SJD Thesis), “The Legitimacy and Limits of Constitutional Health Rights”.


Ongoing          Rebecca Carr (LL.M. Thesis). Thesis “The Law’s Role in Reducing Global Inequalities in Access to Children’s Healthcare”.


2011                Member of Thesis Committee for Sarah Fleming (Department of Political Science, supervisor Neil Nevitte).


Ongoing          Y.Y. Brandon Chen (SJD Thesis), “International Migrants’ Right to Health in the Era of Medical Tourism – Potential Legal and Policy Implications of Medical Tourism on International Migrants’ Access to Health Care in Receiving Countries”.


2012                Shannon Gibson (LL.M. Thesis), “The Role(s) of Social Media in Direct-to-Consumer Advertising of Pharmaceuticals”.


2012                Lijing Cao (LL.M. Thesis), “The Prospect for Health Care Rights in China”.


2012                Lorian Hardcastle (SJD Thesis), “Governmental Liability for Health Care in Canada”.


2010                Laura Esmail (PhD Thesis, Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto),“Institutional Differences in Access to Medicines Policy: Canada’s Access to Medicines Regime and the WHO Intergovernmental Working Group on Public Health, Innovation and Intellectual Property”.


2009                Ruby Dhand (LL.M. Thesis), “Challenging Exclusion: A Critique of the Legal Barriers Faced by Psychiatric Consumer/Survivors from Ethno-Racial Communities in Ontario”.


2008                Mark Geiger (LL.M. Thesis), “Primary care reform in Ontario: What’s the hold up? An economic, legal, historical, and comparative analysis of the primary care reform initiatives in Ontario from 2000 to 2008”


2008                Juhee Makkar (LL.M. Candidate), “Access to Cancer Drugs”. (Withdrew)


2008                Catherine Régis (SJD Thesis) “Mind over matter: Using law & psychology to optimize conflict resolution in health care”


2008                Rami Shoucri (LL.M. Thesis), “Accelerating bridge building between intertwined paths: Legal governance of the delivery and financing of health care services in the context of Crown-Aboriginal relationships in Canada”.


2008                Ronald Donato (PhD Thesis, Monash University, External Examiner), “Beyond the Economics of Health Care Reform; Health Care Markets and the Australian Health System – an Inter-Disciplinary Conceptual & Empirical Analysis”.


2007                Jennie Baek (LL.M. Thesis), “Policy And Government Treatment Of Stem Cell Research: Bringing It Out Of The Shadows Of Assisted Reproductive Technologies”.


2007                Lisa Forman (SJD Thesis, supervisor Patrick Macklem), “A transformative power? The role of the human right to medicines in accessing AIDS medicines: International human rights law, TRIPS and the South African experience”.


2007                Regiane Garcia (LL.M. Thesis), “A critical analysis of public participation in health policy choice in Brazil”.


2006                Lorian Hardcastle, LL.M. Thesis) “Tort accountability of governments and institutions in the Canadian Health Care System”.


2006                Oscar Cabrera (LL.M. Thesis), “Legal preparedness and proportionality of social distancing measures in Ontario’s legislation. (Switched Supervisors)


2006                Obiajulu Nnamuchi (LL.M. Thesis), “Access to health care: A right or farce?”.


2005                A. Sasha Kontic (LL.M. Thesis), “Assessing the effectiveness of the prescription drug post-market surveillance system in Canada: The need for a more active regulatory role”.


2004                Simon Rabinovitch (LL.M. Thesis), “The legitimacy of cross-border pharmacy from Canada to the United States”.


2004                Catherine Régis (LL.M. Thesis), “Enhancing Patients’ Confidence in Access to Health Care: The Ontario or Quebec Way?”.


2004                Anthea Williams (LL.M. Thesis), “A decision-making framework for government settlement decisions in health accident claims”.


2003                Caroline Pitfield (LL.M. Thesis), “Giving patients a louder voice in the health care system?: a critical evaluation of the Ontario Health Services Appeal and Review Board”.

2003                Tom Archibald (SJD Thesis), “Labour Policy vs. Health Policy”. (withdrew)


2001                Tracey Epps (LLM Thesis), “Merchants in the Temple? The Implications of the GATS and NAFTA for Canada’s Health Care System”.


2000                Cathy Anderson (LL.M Thesis), “The Legal and Political Evolution of Federal Tobacco Control Legislation”.



  1. Supervision of Research Associates/Fellows/Research Assistants:


The CHSRF Medicare Basket Project and CIHR grant has allowed me to engage and supervise several research assistants and research associates in the summers and through the academic year. I am committed to training and working with students and have co-written articles with most of them.


Arthur Wilson (Research Associate)

Melissa Casco (Project Manager)

Greig Hinds (Research Associate)

Bryan Thomas (Research Associate)

Lorian Hardcastle (SJD)

Michelle Zimmerman-Day (SJD)

Oscar Cabrera (LLM)

Jennifer Dolling (LLM)

Juhee Makkar (LLM )

Marcelo Rodriguez Ferrere (LLM)

Rami Shoucri (LLM)

Michael Thomas (LLM))

Clara Wong (LLM)

Matthew Wong (LLM)

Sujith Xavier (LLM)

Karen Arcot (JD)

Ryann Atkins (JD)

Marta Balcewicz (JD)

Y.Y. Brandon Chen (JD)

Lily Coodin (JD)

Alanna Courtright (JD)

Patrick Dyke (JD)

Insiya Essajee   (JD)

Amanda Haugan (JD)

Ryan MacIsaac (JD)

Rebecca Majerczyck (JD)

Kathryn May (JD)

Geoff Read (JD)

Amy Stein (JD)

Kathryn Walker (JD)






A. Law School Committees

2012-               Advisory Committee for the Centre for Innovation Law & Policy, University of Toronto


2011 –              Academic Standing Committee, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto


2011 –              Research Advisory Committee, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto


2007 –              Information and Technology Committee, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto


2006 –              International Advisory Committee


2005-2006       Course Assignments Committee; Appointments Committee


2003–2004      Research Ethics Officer


2003–2004      Course Assignments Committee


2003–2004      Chair of Reading Committee for Tenure File of a colleague.


2000-2004       Financial Aid Committee


1999-2004       Graduate Studies Committee, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto


1999-2000       Information Technology Committee, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto


1997-1999       Continuing Legal Education Committee, Faculty of Law, Dalhousie University


1999-1997       Graduate Studies Committee, Faculty of Law, Dalhousie University


1997-1999       Admissions Committee, Faculty of Law, Dalhousie


1997                Health Law Institute representative working with the Law Journal Committee, Dalhousie University, on a special issue of the journal, focusing on health reform


1993-1994       Graduate Social Committee, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto


1993-1994       Graduate Representative, Faculty Council, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto


B. University Committees


2009 –              Steering and Review Committee for the Comparative Program on Health and Society, Munk Centre for International Studies. This committee reviews applications for doctoral, post-doctoral and visitors to the Munk centre under the auspices of the Lupina Fellowship.


2009                Member of School of Public Policy and Governance, University of Toronto, publication committee (part of advisory committee for a new student-lead magazine on public policy issues)


2007 –              Member of Ontario Research Chair (ORC) Committee (Department of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto)


2006 –             Member of Academic Advisory Committee, Collaborative for Health System Performance (with Brian R. Golden, chair, Rotman Chair in Health Sector Strategy at the University of Toronto and the University Health Network Director, Rotman Centre for Health Sector Strategy).


2004                Investigator with Home Care Evaluation and Research Centre, University of Toronto (co-directors, Drs. Peter Coyte and Patricia McKeever)


2000                Member of the Liberty Health Chair in Health Management Strategies Advisory Committee (with Vivek Goel, Edward Sellors, Terry Sullivan, Gery Barry and Laura Menc)


2000                Steering and Review Committee for the Comparative Program on Health and Society, Munk Centre for International Studies (Chaired by Janice Stein)


2000                Search Committee to select the Dean of the Faculty of Law


1997-1999       Member of the Ethics Committee, Faculty of Health Professions, Dalhousie University


1994-1996       Graduate Students’ Representative, University Appeals Board, University of Toronto

C.    Positions Outside of the University


2006-2010       Scientific Director, CIHR – Institute of Health Services and Policy Research (IHSPR). See Part V for details of this role.


The CIHR is a federal agency funding $1 billon annually in health research in Canada. For more information about the CIHR see the CIHR Mission Statement at <http://www.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/7263.html>.


In my role as Scientific Director of the Institute for Health Services and Policy Research (IHSPR) I created new research programs aimed at getting research into the hands of decision makers in healthcare policy and practice. I revamped the Partnerships in Health System Improvement (PHSI) funding program to ensure that decision makers are part of research teams throughout the research endeavour from framing the research question all the way to putting results into practice. Under my leadership, IHSPR also launched the new Evidence on Tap program to provide provincial governments with requested health research evidence in a timely manner. Through one-day knowledge exchange sessions with top researchers and rapidly generated knowledge syntheses, provincial policy makers were exposed to research on topics ranging from the development of a patients’ bill of rights to the role of government policy in directing health system-wide change. These efforts led to the creation of the Evidence Informed Healthcare Renewal program, a $5.5 million program intended to support policy makers in the lead up to the 2014 expiration of the Health Accord by providing research evidence about health financing, sustainability, governance, and accountability.


My team and I led funding initiatives for cutting-edge research on a number of high-priority topics, including access to appropriate healthcare, drug policy, and health information and through partnerships was able to raise funding to triple what the IHSPR could otherwise invest. I also led the development and partnering for a research strategy on high-quality community-based primary healthcare, the backbone of any high-performing health system, resulting in an investment of $55,000,000 Canadian and the participation of 31 domestic and foreign partners.


Under my leadership, IHSPR also successfully shepherded the Drug Safety & Effectiveness Network from conception to implementation. The result is $10 million in annual funding in perpetuity for post-market drug research across Canada. As a collaborative effort between Health Canada and CIHR, this national network will support and build capacity in order to do rapid and longer-term research on the effect of drugs in patient populations after the point of approval by the regulator.


In addition, I focused attention on the problem of Canada’s fragmented health information databases and the complicated privacy regulations that prevent health data from being turned into much-needed research evidence. Our Institute in collaboration with many partners funded priority research on the topic and brought together thought leaders from across the country for a major summit on access to health information, which was parlayed into a the book, Data, Data Everywhere.


Finally, my team and I worked to encourage the growth and development of the health services and policy research community across Canada. We strongly supported inter-disciplinary research that included social and political scientists, economists, biostatisticians, practitioner-researchers, ethicists, informaticists, and innumerable others. Towards the end of my term, I led the Institute and CIHR more broadly in making a concerted effort to increase applications from social scientists and humanities researchers who conduct health-related research and who had previously been supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. By encouraging research that spans a variety of disciplines and professions, we helped to ensure balanced perspectives and a diversity of methodological approaches in the research endeavour.